I’m Tired Of Seeing Nipples

Expectations of women in the spotlight.

4 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo by Rebecca Orlov | Epic Playdate on Unsplash

As I scrolled through the pictures of Oscar’s dresses, I saw a lot of nipples. Some were almost covered in see-through fabric. I think I saw a feather covering nipples.

I might feel differently if it were men’s nipples, but they weren’t.

That’s the point. The common denominator of nipple-zilla was the amount of flesh shown by women.

It did not matter if these women were good at what they did — no it was the shock factor of wearing little on the red carpet. Hang on to this point. I will talk about it more below.

I could’ve lived without all of that really.

Initially, I was going to move on with my day, but then I stumbled on some YouTube videos and TikToks. Apparently, one celebrity, in particular, was getting more hate than the rest and the feminist gang was coming to the rescue.

Because that’s who needs our support. The wealthy celebrity women — most of whom have lucrative beauty-related sponsorships on the red carpet in see-all outfits.

It reminds me of what's happening in banking. If the photo ops go well, celebrities bask in the glory. When it goes badly the fans jump in to defend them because, you know, feminism.

So what is feminism? It’s equality for all. Thus we should be seeing men in barely there outfits. Just like the one below:

Image made by author in canva because she could not find any mankini images on the usual website. Go ahead see how many bikini images you’ll find

Can you imagine a man wearing this to the after-party? What if it wasn't lime green and in a see-through throw?

As I recall, when Borat wore it to an event, no one took him seriously. It was a joke. For those unaware Borat a satirical fictional character.

Yet, we normalised celebrity women wearing these outfits. We obsess over them as if they are objects.

Is that actually feminism? Somehow I do not think this is what first third-wave feminists had in mind.

Did they envision countries where women still do the majority of the housework, gender pay gaps still exist so does male violence against women? Where conviction for rape is under 10% and many men still see women as walking sex objects/servants. And that's in progressive/ feminist countries.

But then women can wear skimpy outfits on the red carpet and demand to be taken seriously. Seriously, even though we probably won’t take men seriously if they did the same. The well-dressed men are wearing tuxes .

But then normal people spend energy defending them. The defence they frankly do not need.

These celebrities are not like us. Yes, they smile and are perfect because that's the ‘sell’.

And that’s fine. I wish they would stop pretending but that would mean fewer fans and less money.

Without pretense, it might be easy to see that this is not feminism they are pushing — it’s capitalism.

Other times it’s their vanity.

They don’t need the fans to defend them.

If anything, they should be defending their fans.

We live in a celebrity-driven world. You might not think this affects you but it does

Even on the red carpet, the standards are a lot higher for women. The majority of men wear suits. Women, on the contrary, wear full gowns and you can see the energy that goes into getting ready.

I know that these celebrity women are also women. But let's be honest- their wealth and exposure offer them a level of protection most women do not have.

They can recharge away. Walk away from abusive spouses. Call security. Many many of them make big money from the ‘good-girl’ image.

If something happens, at least they will be ‘heard’.

I know it might not be as simple, but life is a lot easier and protected with money. They do not have to be sex-on-heels. They can choose to reject the stereotypes. Just like some celebrities have.

These celebrities set the standards for many people.

We have a whole generation that thinks that looking like a girl boss is the same as being one. A generation that cares more about obtaining the body and looks of celebrities than their power and bank balances.

I’ve seen 15-year-olds in what I can only describe as lingerie on Friday and Saturday nights.

There are men and boys who think that women only care about looks. The same men and boys cannot take women seriously and it is showing in how they act. Sometimes, I do understand the confusion — I would be too just scrolling through the magazines. If I saw women half naked (or 7/8th naked) and men in tuxes.

It’s not the women’s fault that their opinions and business successes are not published as much as men’s. However, they do uphold the stereotypes.

I am all for strong, independent and successful women.

What I do not understand is why do [some] women need to take their clothes off to show strength?




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