It’s No Surprise Young Men Now Want Children More Than Young Women

A new study is challenging the baby-obsessed-woman stereotype

Charlie Brown


Photo by Nandhu Kumar on Unsplash

If you imagine someone with “baby fever,” do you imagine them male or female?

If a woman pops into your head, you’d be forgiven.

The woman desperate to get pregnant — much to the fear of their partners — is an old-school gender stereotype reinforced by thousands of pop culture references.

Just ask Michael Jackson about Billie Jean and her “schemes and plans.”

But as with many societal prejudices, it turns out you’d be wrong to assume women want kids more than men.

And a new study proves it.

When it comes to unmarried young people, it’s men who want children more than women.

I think I speak for women the world over when I say:

No shit.

Knowing what being a mother entails kept me child-free-by-choice for years

Because I’ve seen and heard how hard it is.

The lack of sleep. The responsibility of keeping a tiny human alive. The strain it has on your relationships.



Charlie Brown
Writer for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at