The Inconvenient Intersection Between Veganism and Feminism

It’s the females of all species that are exploited and suffer the most

Ali Hall


New born calf and her mother cow
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

If you treated your dog or cat like the dairy and meat industries treat cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens, you would face criminal charges and possibly a hefty prison sentence.

When did we decide what animal we bring into our home, dress up in Christmas pyjamas (just me?), leave scratch posts in each room and cater to their every need, and which animals we exploit, oppress, and force to suffer for our pleasure?

I am not on a quest to convert you to veganism. Heck, my husband eats everything and anything. All I want to do is shine a light on society’s cognitive dissonance.

It’s a social justice movement dealing largely with the marginalisation of females — that's veganism. But you’d be forgiven for thinking I was referring to feminism. Did you know that many of the suffragettes were ethical vegetarians?

The truth is veganism and feminism are deeply interconnected.

Knowing can be uncomfortable. I suffer hearing about their suffering. I would rather not know. But knowledge is power. By knowing, we can take action that aligns with our values and helps us live authentically. We need to know about injustice…



Ali Hall

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at