This Father Phoned the Police Because He Didn’t Know How To Parent

What he expected me, a police officer, to do was ludicrous.

Ali Hall


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Men, it is not “babysitting” when it is your own child.

My colleague peacocked around the office. According to him, he was worthy of being nominated as husband of the year.

And why?

Because he woke from his slumber in the middle of the night to attend to his crying child and “allowed” his wife to sleep.

In his deluded mind, this small act of parental duty transformed him into Mr Doubtfire.

The bonus snippet here is that he and his wife work in the same industry, where she is senior to him.

She has more stress at work, brings in a higher wage, and still he regards their children as her responsibility.

Studies repeatedly show that women do the lion’s share of unpaid labour. From childcare to domestic chores, whether a woman is in paid employment or not, she also picks up the domestic duties.

What I find particularly fascinating is that men think the breakdown of their domestic chores are more equal than they are.

I can’t locate the source, but an interesting account for this, which stands to reason, is that…



Ali Hall

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at