Where’s the Line Between Culture and Crime?

He took great delight in putting his hands on me

Ali Hall


As a child, my family and I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years.

We may not have agreed with the culture and the laws, but we adhered to them.

By this, I mean my mum wore an abaya, a long robe worn on top of clothing to maintain “modesty” and cover up her body. And in those days, it was still illegal for women to drive in Saudi, so my mum did not drive.

I’ve worked and travelled all over the world. I’m no stranger to different cultures. But a recent trip to Austria made me question the line between culture and crime.

Can I please have my hand back?

The first night set the tone for things to come.

My husband and I dumped our bags at the hotel and settled ourselves in the first restaurant we came to. We were ravenous after our travel.

I had already noticed the proprietor of the establishment. He was hard to miss.

Rotund body, thick black dyed hair with matching eyebrows brushed upwards, wrists and neck weighted down with jewellery.

My description of him may seem unnecessary, but I want to illustrate that he looked every bit of the sleaze he…



Ali Hall

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at abnormallynormal.substack.com