Why I Never Date the "Nice Guys"

Many closet wolves have a sheepish demeanor…



Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

As a woman, we are often criticized for our relationship choices. And although we should all be held accountable for the players we choose in the dating game, it's equally important to note that some people never play fair.

For as long as I can remember, there was always this narrative that women tend to choose "bad boys" only to regret it later and inevitably turn to "good guys" for support. To that, I have a few things to say…

First, are men any different? I mean, I've always been more of a reckless rebel in my dating life and never really experienced a shortage of suitors. However, I know plenty of women who have virtually sworn off having fun to attract the perfect mate, only to end up with none.

Also, people like what they like. We all go through phases, and while we may prefer a particular type of man in our younger years, we are likely to change that type as we date around and figure out what we truly want and don't want.

But lastly, and this is the point that brought me here, to begin with:

What exactly is a "nice guy?"

Depending on one's culture and upbringing, a "good guy" can mean anything from a man who works for a Fortune 500…




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