Why It’s So Harmful to Assume All Feminists Hate Men

Newsflash: it isn’t true and there’s new research to prove it

Charlie Brown


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

Another day, another eye roll at the latest “all feminists hate men” comment on my social media feed.

An eye roll because I know it to be untrue.

I know it to be untrue because I consider myself a feminist, and I don’t hate men.

More importantly, I know it to be untrue because a huge new body of research says so.

The man-hating feminist is a pervasive stereotype, one that is widely believed. It’s also a) incredibly offensive and b) incredibly damaging because it redirects the conversation away from real female issues.

After all, if women be crazy, it gives us a reason not to listen to them, which is harmful to everyone..

Here’s why the “all feminists hate men” stereotype needs to die, once and for all.

The research says it all

This new piece of research is a never-done-before deep dive into what feminists truly think about men.

It turns out that even though feminists have been forever painted as man-haters, there has been little research to corroborate this.



Charlie Brown
Writer for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at thesaucemag.substack.com