5 Reasons to Use Desearch — The Decentralized Search Engine

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5 min readApr 18, 2018

We are always looking for opportunities to improve the crypto-world and come up with an innovative solution. However, our path to Desearch has almost been a mission. If you follow the cryptocurrency markets closely like us, you are well aware of the tide of opposition everyone is facing from the powerful centralized forces. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest and more have decided to stop supporting the crypto community. They are controlling the flow of data. It’s getting harder and harder to find uncensored information about the crypto-world. So we decided to do something about it. Desearch is our proactive answer to the growing opposition. We wanted to create a solution that serves the community.

Our purpose in building Desearch was to create a decentralized comprehensive search tool. Here are the reasons you should use it:

More Content — Our first priority is to let you have “all” the information. The search engines like Google and Bing and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest have their own agenda. They are in the business of selling products to us. Also, they are serving a large audience. Even if they don’t like admitting it, they are basically curating content. Maybe it makes sense in some cases. But the problem is that we don’t have the option to choose our information. With the cryptocurrency bans on these platforms, the problem has magnified. We are not getting all the information we need about cryptocurrencies. Desearch helps us solve this problem. Our motto is “Find everything about crypto” and we meant it.

Transparency — Over the last few years, we have enjoyed the support of the community. One of the important things we have learned is that transparency helps us build trust. Trust helps us create great things. Our Desearch platform is built on this principle. So we are making sure that all users are aware of the state of development. For example, we declared that we are using Google Analytics to check the alpha release of our software. As we make more progress, we plan to keep our users informed of the current state of affairs. We want to let our community be always informed, so they can appreciate the quality system we are building.

Community-Driven — Anyone involved in Desearch will instantly recognize the effort of the community. We are actively seeking feedback from the members to build Desearch. We want our community to actively participate in improving the product. We are grateful for all the constructive criticism we have received thus far. And we will continue to improve the system every day with the great people that are supporting us in our journey.

Shared Resources — Any search engine effort will need a lot of hardware and software power. It’s difficult for any company to build these resources. A decentralized blockchain-based search engine gives the opportunity to distribute the required resources. Both computing and storing requirements can be met through distributed nodes. Today most centralized systems refuse to compete against major players like Google or Facebook because they know they will get crushed if they try to take up a fight against these giants. The kind of resources that the Googles and Facebooks of the world have created makes it impossible to compete against these large behemoths. Desearch is circumventing this situation through decentralization. In a decentralized system, it’s possible to provide a high quality of service by using decentralized computing and storage capacity.

Open Internet — Desearch gives you the opportunity to find news about your cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related topics without any filter. You enjoy the latest and relevant information without censorship. You have more choices. In a free market society, it’s important for the flow of information to be open. Desearch gives you an opportunity to learn about crypto without being told what to learn.

Stay up to date on the most popular coins and trending searches using Desearch.

Desearch Features

We built Desearch with the following features in mind:

Usability — We understand the power of simplicity. Users enjoy websites and applications that are easy to learn and use. So we have kept our Desearch application simple. You go put your search term in the search box and instantly get the cryptocurrency information you need.

Relevant Content — Our purpose is to keep the search results as relevant as possible. Our search engine is optimized to aggregate cryptocurrency news from trusted and relevant websites. It also investigates blockchain related sites to gather highest quality links. It will look into Medium, Reddit and Telegram to find out about the latest ICO or decentralized applications.

Privacy — If you are worried about Google or Bing tracking your interests and behavior, Desearch gives you a way forward. You are the owner of your search results. You don’t have to worry about targeted ads changing your perception.

We have successfully launched Desearch on Product Hunt. The platform is a great fit for our service. We are collecting feedback and preparing ourselves to improve our flagship BitClave development. We have ambitious goals for our BitClave service and Desearch is helping collect data and metrics to evaluate the best route to take BitClave.

For anyone interested in getting the best crypto information, Desearch is a must. We have developed a product that can be used to learn and stay informed about crypto products. You wouldn’t miss out on any information. In a traditional search engine, you are not even aware of the news and articles that have been hidden from you. There might be hundreds of articles and news stories. Desearch ensures that you are aware of all that information. You will receive a more holistic view of the crypto world when you use our Desearch search engine. You will enjoy a more open internet where information will not be censored. Also, Desearch gives you a flavor of BitClave, the decentralized search engine that we are building.




The future of search is here! World's First Decentralized Search Ecosytem. 🔎 Blockchain based. 🔗 Check Desearch.com 🚀