BitClave Community Update — June 25, 2018

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4 min readJun 26, 2018

For the last few weeks and months our team has been working extensively on the creating a program exclusively for the developers. We now have launched the BitClave Developer Program which will allow developers to turn ideas into reality by using BASE.

Demo video of BASE Vault

Our Head of Blockchain, Mark Shwartzman released the demo video for the program and to the first glimpses of the BASE platform. In the demo Mark shows off BASE Vault and Desearch. Through Vault, users grant specific companies access to particular pieces of encrypted data and are compensated as a result. Mark shows how, if approved to share, this data can be used in an integration between BASE and BitClave’s crypto-focused search engine Desearch to receive offers from companies.

BASE Demo by Head Of Blockchain, Mark Shwartzman

BitClave Developer Program

This week at Blockchain Summit London, COO Vadim Gore will announce the BitClave Developer Program + Contest, which invites developers to create their applications using the data exchange and monetization capabilities of BASE. Eligible teams will be able to compete for awards totalling $50,000.

This is exciting not only because BASE will eventually join the BitClave product portfolio of Match ICO and Desearch, but also because the BASE platform can be used by many other developers for diverse applications. Below, we’ll talk about how BASE is equipping the decentralized future of the internet where users can take advantage of their data online, and keep their identities secure.

Building the Decentralized Internet with BASE

The internet would not be accessible to us without a search engine. Last year, Google conducted 90% of the world’s internet searches, serving billions of people asking trillions of questions, using proprietary Google algorithms to provide the answers. In essence, Google makes the internet work and is the gatekeeper for the World Wide Web. At the same time, regulators and users alike expressed growing concerns about the enormous, largely unchecked power accumulated by tech giants like Facebook and Google. While both companies have comprehensive and well written data privacy policies, whether they comply with their own standards remains to be seen. Both Google and Facebook made bold claims of self-regulation and long-term data privacy reforms. There is just one fundamental problem with this: it breaks their core business model.

The main interaction of Google’s search advertising begins with Google accessing, processing, and sharing user’s data with advertisers. The act of data sharing is out of the user’s control. This model requires users to trust Google and trust their partners. In contrast, BASE’s main interaction starts with the platform sharing an advertiser’s data with the users, letting the user decide what they want to share, how they want to share, and for how long. In a sense this is ‘trust-less’ system, where users do not need to trust BitClave or its platform to make data sharing decisions on the user’s behalf.

BASE provides a secure infrastructure for data exchange and monetization. Think of the many companies beyond Google that define the internet in the 21st century, from Facebook to Airbnb. Technologists foresee a future that restores privacy and control over the personal assets that we share over these networks — especially personal data. These sites are built around a filtered search which means that these platforms are gathering tons of information from their users, to the platform owner’s profit.

The key for this kind of security at that scale is blockchain. With the possibility of securely storing our data and assets in a decentralized way with access encrypted and controlled on the blockchain. The underpinning of the blockchain-based, 2.0 versions of these search-centric sites is an decentralized infrastructure for data security and monetization. BitClave’s search engine BASE provides users enhanced privacy guarantees, backed by the decentralized nature of blockchain with its distributed ledger technology. The BASE’s digital persona repository is a centralized data storage, with each record kept encrypted with the private key only the user owns, thus preventing BASE from sharing user’s data in human or machine readable format on its own accord. However, the smart contract that governs access to a user’s data runs on blockchain and requires network consensus to be modified.

The core benefit of data monetization like BASE:

  1. Creates an ecosystem where the user is in charge of their data

With BASE, users are empowered to share or disclose discreet factors of their identity (and can always revoke access to their data).

2. Empowers the user to decide what personal data they want to disclose, and what its value is

The search apparatus returns meaningful, relevant results, and users can get rewards for disclosing data that connects them with companies who match their interests. Plus, instead of dealing with murky online platforms and poor results, companies reach users who are actively interested in their products and services.

3. Rewards uses for disclosing data and engaging with companies that match their interests

Using blockchain, BASE creates a win-win scenario for users and creators without the middle-man.

With BASE, innovators and creators in the blockchain space can create their platforms with a reliable and secure infrastructure for data sharing and monetization.

Have a great idea that you can make a reality on BASE? Get the latest information here.

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The future of search is here! World's First Decentralized Search Ecosytem. 🔎 Blockchain based. 🔗 Check 🚀