BitClave Weekly Update — Apr 30, 2018

Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2018


Platform / Desearch

We have completed the initial integration of Base-Login and Desearch. While the feature is available only on our internal testing sites right now, we are excited to see these two major subsystems starting to communicate with each other. We still have work to do for the release, including front-end for BASE-Login and Base-Vault and data access permissions. We’ll continue on the remaining features this week.


The branding team has come up with the final report that has recommendations for the nomenclature of the brand. We’re currently brainstorming internally will be soon sharing with the users.

We are also prepping for the next two events in New York City — Ethereal Summit followed by Consensus 2018 and will be looking to connect with more people there. If you are attending any of the events — do connect with our team on ground or just tweet to us here. We will be sharing the latest updates related to the events on all our social media channels.

We have interviewed over 30 candidates for Marketing, PR and Content in the last two weeks and will be interviewing more. Reach us out at with your resumes if you want to apply.

Our Head of Growth Pratik Gandhi was interviewed by Decentro Media at the Blockchain Expo 2018 in London.

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