BitClave Weekly Update — Feb 18, 2018

Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018



  • After receiving numerous requests from users who have tokens in their wallets, we updated our token calculating algorithm. Today, we take existing tokens into account for wallet balance valuation.
  • Add more wallets to your MatchICO account and enjoy generous offers.

We launched our redesigned landing page for We would appreciate your feedback at


Last week we completed the client side API and the sample application demonstrating the usage of the registration and data sharing protocols. We also moved forward with the Ethereum-based implementation of the protocol.

As hinted in last week’s newsletter, here is the more advanced challenge. This time you need to figure out what is the email address of our first user. The first user is implemented as a bot and his name is “adam”. For this challenge you’ll need to register into the system by going to our very basic sample app Then you will need to ask “adam” to share his email address. “adam” is a very social bot, so he shares his email with everyone. All you need to do is to ask, but to do so, you’ll need to figure out “adam”’s public ID. To discover “adams” public ID you need to use the API here Remember — “adam” is a bot.

The first 5 participants in this challenge will get 150 CAT tokens. Please contact us via chat on the main website to provide your answer.


Last week we commenced working with a Branding Agency who we are partnering to launch our brand guidelines for BitClave and for our various products. This will streamline our efforts in keeping differentiation from the products in the market and the value proposition that we have. The process has already started this week and there will be hands-on research conducted where we will have our community participating as well.

We now have a monthly marketing metrics tool ready that will assess our performance month on month on our overall marketing efforts. This is will be in sync with the digital editorial calendar we mentioned in our last week update.

Our Co-Founders are now active on Twitter for any questions you have to them. Follow both of them here:


Last week we participated in Bitcoin Superconference at Dallas. With hundreds of participants primarily from the US, it was a good event for syncing up with our US users. We met many interesting people and received a lot of feedback about our products within the community. The overall feedback for our products is very positive, which gives our core team additional motivation.

Here’s a brief video of our CEO & Co-Founder, Alex Bessonov and our Head of Blockchain, Mark Shwartzman sharing their experience from Bitcoin Superconference.


Please keep submitting questions for the next AMA session using tag #AMA.


Here we have collected the top questions we have received from our community this week:

  • When can I get tokens for Bit-Z voting and Hadax?
    Answer: Bit-Z tokens are distributed by Bit-Z, so it is better to direct this question directly to them. Bit-Z tokens will be distributed after CAT tokens appear on their listing, but Bit-Z does not disclose the date of this event. We have sent CAT tokens for bounty to Bit-Z a month ago.
    Tokens for HADAX voting are distributed by BitClave. We’ll do our best to finish the distribution next week but hope for your understanding if distribution is slightly delayed as the team is overloaded. Note: only unique votes are counted and the amount of HT does not matter (but it must be higher than the minimum).
  • When will tokens be counted as equivalent ETH on MatchICO?
    Answer: The feature is released now
  • Why BitClave does not use EOS
    Answer: we are watching this technology, but it is not available for production yet

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