BitClave Weekly Update — June 11, 2018

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3 min readJun 11, 2018


This week we started making progress towards preparing BASE for the use by developers and partners. From the very beginning BASE was designed as a multi-tenant, multi-application infrastructure. While MatchICO is the first application using BASE, we fully realize that in order to scale we need hundreds or even thousands of dApps. We cannot possibly invent all BASE use-case and build all BASE apps by ourselves. Therefore in order for BASE eco-system to thrive we need to build strong developers community. You will see us talking a lot more about these activities in the days preceding to Blockchain Summit in London, June 26–27. For now, just know that this is an area of priority for us, where we’re investing significant resources.

Another project, we are actively ramping up is code named ‘Data Vault’. This will be the viewport into BASE’s user personal data. In the spirit of putting users in control of the their personal data BASE users will use ‘Data Vault’ to add, delete or update their search data, import it from various 3rd party data sources, and set granular rules for data access. We plan to share the first version of ‘Vault’ in the next few weeks, stay tuned!

Disclaimer: this is aspirational UX/UI, which will be delivered incrementally and is subject for change

While ramping up new projects, we continue making enhancements and adding new features to Desearch and MatchICO, although not as fast as we would like. You should see new Desearch features in production within a week and we are ramping up hiring efforts in order to make faster progress. We want to thank many of our community members and supporters who provide us positive constructive feedback and new feature requirements. Keep’em coming!


We are getting ready for the London Blockchain Summit in London at Olympia on June 26–27th of this month. The marketing team has been working on the press note, content curation and reaching out to the relevant people in the media who can either cover our launch or talk about it on their respective platforms.

We are also planning to invite the developers community in London and those who are attending the Blockchain Summit to our meetup.

We have new members who have joined us in the Community Team — you can interact with them on our Telegram channels as well as on the Intercom chat. Say hello! to Oleksandr, Tamara, Yuliia, Mike and Anastasia.

We’re looking to hire more people in the marketing team. Do send in your resumes/CVs to


Today we would like to announce our events for the next 2 weeks!

First of them is NAC3, the event, which will gather top crypto influencers on June 23 in San Francisco. Our Head of Growth Pratik Gandhi will be giving his speech there! Also, we have some tickets for this event. Please, let us know, if you will be around and would like to attend the event! We promise to bring you our T-shirt as well! Please, reach us in the chat on the website or send the email to to get your pass!

Also, our team will be presented at Blockchain Summit London on June 26–27! Our COO Vadim Gore will give a speech on June 26 at 14:35. We will have a booth there, where you will be able to meet a lot of our team members! Don’t hesitate to come to the booth D34 to say hi!

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