BitClave Weekly Update — Mar 04, 2018

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3 min readMar 5, 2018



Last week we completed the integration of an automated tested environment into Github and added more tests to best-node and base-client-js repositories. The code coverage is 80% for base-node and 95% for base-node-js. Having an automated test environment integrated with Github will guarantee the repository is always in a working state, which is very important in building open source projects and a large development community. We also almost completed the Ethereum based implementations of the secure data sharing protocol.


As discussed last week, the evaluation of the uniform marketing tool is its final phase. We should be deploying the tool in this week. The community will also see more blog posts coming up in addition to the Weekly Updates on Medium.

We’re happy to be covered this week on Forbes, NewsBTC, CoinSpeaker, CoinGape and The Merkle. Do read and share your thoughts on the articles. If you like them, please spread the word within the community. We’re here to take any questions that you might have.

We have created a new Facebook page for BitClave as our old page was unpublished by Facebook due to an unknown reason. The old page is still functional but unfortunately, we will never be able to get it to publish it again. (Stay tuned for a separate blog post on this topic)

We have received quite a few applications for our Marketing and PR roles last week and are expecting more. Do get in touch on AngelList or write to us at to apply.


  • Last week we attended CPC Cryptocurrency and Exchange Conference at Stanford. It was a one day event but it was packed with top leaders from the industry. Opening remarks were by Whitfield Diffie, the inventor of public cryptography. It was exciting to see the man who invented the cryptography behind Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other cryptos. Again, many new connections and many talks very relevant to BASE. The most interesting speech was about confidential transactions from Benedikt Bünz, Phd student in applied cryptography at Stanford. We’ll take a deep look into his paper and see if we can use these ideas.
Whitfield Diffie on stage at the CPC Cryptocurrency and Exchange Conference at Stanford
  • We visited International Blockchain Summit on March 1 where we heard a lot about NEM benefits over Ethereum (from affiliated presentation), discussed some ICO-related issues and discovered an interesting section about crypto-security problems. We try to always have our finger on the pulse of crypto-security.



We have collected the top questions we have received from our community this week:

  • When will the email registration feature be implemented in MatchICO?
    Answer: By the end March
  • How are you going to comply with GDPR and is it not in the way of your whole idea? Private data sharing being illegal?
    Answer: Actually the whole idea of BASE is inline with GDPR. Enforcement of GDPR rules will promote BitClave’s vision. From Wiki: “The GDPR aims primarily to give control back to citizens and residents over their personal data”. And this is exactly what BASE is — from BitClave’s whitepaper title page “On the BitClave Active Search Ecosystem, customers control their identity, decide who has access to their data, …”. With BASE, customer has full control over his personal data, customers decide to what business and what data he is willing to share. BASE is the platform that enables this sharing in a secure and a anonymous way. BitClave is not “selling” customer data to anyone, Businesses are providing offers to customers directly based on the customer personal information that a customer decided to share

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