BitClave Weekly Update — May 21, 2018

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4 min readMay 21, 2018


Last week we had finished the permission APIs on platform level and had a very significant progress in integration and testing of BASE-Login in Desearch.

On platform side we have resumed the development on REQUEST and OFFER entities and the concept of REQUEST/OFFER matching and verification as per BitClave’s white paper. At this stage we are focusing on interactions between REQUEST and OFFER and on secure data sharing between these two entities. You can see the progress and the latest on our engineering app for API testing at https:// Your feedback on the APIs and in general is always very welcome.


Last week our Marketing team focused on the Blockchain Week in New York City, attending different events and connecting with the who’s who of the industry. Our Co-Founder Vasily Trofimchuk and Head of Growth were there in New York City for the Blockchain Week.

Ethereal Summit was about knowing the big folks in the industry and interacting with them, speaking about BitClave and our work with MatchICO and Desearch. Our team there met Joseph Lubin from ConsenSys, Laura Shin from Unchained/Unconfirmed, Eva Kaili from EU Parliament to name a few.

We were also introduced to the Consensys mesh and how they are working to build a decentralized future with their hub and spoke model of operation. We are in talks with them to see if Desearch/BitClave can be a part of it in any way.

Consensus 2018 saw over 8000 people in attendance compared to about 1700 in 2017. Though Vitalik Buterin boycotted the event and alerted the community not to attend, what we experienced there was completely the opposite of that warning. The Ethereum community there was also buzzing along with the others. Consensus probably is the biggest Blockchain event in the world today with so many people attending.

We were glad to meet and interact many of our users there and share updates on our existing products and upcoming releases. We also attended a few side events, meetups and parties where we could interact with the active Blockchain community in person. Our Head of Growth was interviewed by CNBC Crypto Trader team as a part of their documentary about Blockchain in general and Consensus 2018. He was also interviewed by a local media team in English as well as his native language Hindi. We have also received good number of media requests that we will be following up in the coming weeks.

The last event we attended during the Blockchain Week in NYC was Crypto Influence Summit where we met a lot of influencers, YouTubers and Podcasters at one forum. We were happy to know most of them know BitClave and few of them have already spoken about us. Pratik met Crypt0 Omar, who was the winner of Best Influencer and the Most Relatable Influencer awards at the event.

In the coming days, we will be connecting with all the people we met during the Blockchain Week. Regarding our push in video communications for our products MatchICO and Desearch, we’ve selected teams to create feature videos to introduce each project and have developed those narratives. We are excited to share them soon. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the BitClave team, check out our AngelList profile for postings.

Our community members active on Telegram should be sure to join the channel on Telegram for the latest updates and to provide feedback to our developers.


This week we attended the major conference Consensus 2018 in New York May 14–16. Our Founder Vasily Trofimchuk, Head of Growth Pratik Gandhi, our events coordinator, and other team members were there meeting crypto influencers and other leaders.

Head of Growth Pratik Gandhi also attended the Crypto Influence Summit on May 17.

Also, our Event Manager Stanislav Liutenko attended Next Block Conference, which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine on May 18th. The greatest point was meeting Bobby Lee, the co-founder of BTCC, who gave a speech on bitcoin’s future.

We have a lot of events in June to announce — stay tuned!

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