Desearch Login/Sign Up Feature [Dev Update]

Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018

Our Dev team has introduced the ability to access Desearch through your personal account, accessible in the upper-right corner of the Desearch homepage or search results.

Below, you can see the options to Login or Sign Up for your Desearch account on the new homepage.

Find the Login and Sign Up options in the upper-right corner.

In the future, you’ll be able to integrate your Desearch with a BASE account as shown in our Head of Blockchain Mark’s demo of BASE Vault.

Creating an account allows the Desearch user to receive updated search results with ease. In the lower portion of the screen, you will have the option both to follow your search going forward and to share the results of your Desearch search with others. If you aren’t logged in, you’ll be prompted to login or create an account to get the most out of Desearch.

See the Share Result and Follow options in the bottom of the window when logged in to Desearch.

When you follow a search, you will get a daily digest of changes to the token price and other search updates. This conveniently consolidates the information you may want to share.

Try signing up for your own Desearch account here to follow your choice of companies and topics on Desearch.




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