[Draft] BitClave Token Sale Terms

Published in
9 min readNov 6, 2017

Important update 11/19/2017:
Token Sale Start Date: Nov 29
All bonuses are cancelled for not-whitelisted contributors

Important update 11/9/17:

We all have learned today that the hard fork was postponed indefinitely. This a great news for us, because now we can go back to our initial plans and launch the Token Sale.

We are currently evaluating several options for the start date and will inform the community about our decision soon. Please stay tuned for the announcement and let us know when you think would be the best time to resume the Sale.


It’s time for the main event — the official BitClave Token Sale is coming!!! We have introduced a few changes to the structure of the token sale based on discussions with our community, advisors and a revised analysis of the current cryptocurrency market.

Note: this post is a draft. Please provide your feedback on the Token Sale terms changes. We are always seeking feedback from our community.

As you may know, Bitcoin will be going through a hard fork around November 16 and will split into Bitcoin and Bitcoin2X. We have received numerous requests from our community to change the Token Sale to a date after the Bitcoin fork date, we also conducted an additional survey to validate this request.

We decided to follow the request of our community and move the Token Sale date to after the Bitcoin fork.

Due to uncertainty related to the Bitcoin fork impact on crypto markets, we have decided to maximize benefits to our community by announcing the final date shortly after the fork. The date will be announced at least 48 hours in advance to allow for enough preparation time.

Furthermore, purchasers who decide to make deposits before the Bitcoin fork date will receive tokens based on both Bitcoin and Bitcoin2x cryptocurrencies, and the amount of tokens will be computed based on the best rate between Deposit Date and Token Sale date.

Based on multiple discussions with our experienced advisory board and requests from our community, we also decided to reduce the token cap in the current Token Sale round to further increase the demand for our tokens.

Alpha Launch Announcement

We are excited to announce that we launched the alpha version our first product www.matchico.com. This is a major step in achieving our vision and building a BASE platform. In MatchICO, we directly connect Purchasers and ICO Projects, allowing Purchasers to receive personalized offers from ICO projects and providing a way for purchasers to get paid for viewing these offers. As of Nov 7, ICO projects will be able to utilize CAT tokens to pay Purchasers. The CAT tokens will be airdropped to the registered projects. We launched the alpha two weeks ago and we already have almost 150 projects and thousands of Purchasers, showing there is a high demand for CAT tokens.

This is the beginning of the revolution. You can start earning crypto now: register, search for an ICO project, get personalized offers and get paid each time you view an offer. If you are a valid purchaser for an ICO project, they will find you and offer you CAT tokens for your possible participation in their ICO project.

Further in this post, you will find important information regarding the overall structure of the BitClave Token Sale, including details on how to participate, and how to qualify for bonus tokens. Please read on for full details.

Token Sale Dates

  • Token sale start and end dates will be announced after the Bitcoin fork, with a notice of at least 48 hours.
  • Purchasers may deposit their contribution before the start of the Token Sale to make sure they do not miss the Token Sale start date and to secure additional bonus.
  • The first 6 hours of the token sale are reserved for whitelist members.

How to Participate

New purchasers, sign up at the official fundraiser page: https://fundraiser.bitclave.com/signup.

Registered purchasers, login at the official fundraiser dashboard: https://fundraiser.bitclave.com/login.

If you are new to cryptocurrencies, refer to these step-by-step guides for participating in the token sale using Bitcoin and Ethereum:

Important: Do not send funds to any other domains, or addresses received by email or Slack messages. The only way to access your unique contribution address is by logging in to the fundraiser dashboard at our official domain: https://fundraiser.bitclave.com. Please remember to double check the domain before you proceed and to enable two-factor authentication for your wallet security! (Dashboard -> Account Security).

There are a lot of phishing attacks happening with fake websites and links that have visually similar names to www.bitclave.com. We experienced quite a few of these where “i”, “l” where swapped/replaced (bltclave), “cl” instead of “d” (bitdave) and others. Be sure to triple check any links and watch out for typos. BitClave is not responsible for funds sent to incorrect addresses or via incorrect websites or pages.

General Terms

  • Consumer Activity Token (CAT)
  • 2 billion total token supply
  • 550,842,000 tokens distributed in token sale or 25,547,000 USD hard cap
  • 1 CAT price is 0.10 USD
  • Minimal purchase $30
  • CAT implements Ethereum Token Standard (ERC20)
  • Accepted payment options include BTC, ETH, LTC, and QTUM
  • USD to cryptocurrency rate will be updated every hour
  • KYC process for regulation compliance

Tokens are immediately allocated to purchasers after each contribution to a purchaser’s contribution addresses. However, tokens will be available for transfers after the completion of the KYC process which is expected to take up to four weeks following the end of token sale. The tokens allocated during the token sale will have the symbol CAT and version 1.1. After completion of the KYC, the qualified purchasers will be granted with the final tokens. The final tokens will have symbol CAT and version 2.0.

All unsold tokens will be allocated to a special account and will be locked for long term. Purchasers who do not qualify in the KYC process are ineligible to purchase CAT. Funds received from any such Purchasers will not be considered valid and will be promptly returned to such individuals. Their tokens will be handled as unsold tokens.

Note: we conducted an additional survey on token names to decide between CAT, BTL and few other names. Based on survey results, we decided to stay with CAT.

Contribution Address

Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Qtum

Each registered user has a unique contribution addresses for Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), and Qtum (QTUM) on their dashboard.


During the first six hours of the token sale, Ethereum (ETH) purchasers will have a unique contribution address on their dashboard. During the first six hours, purchasers can contribute to this address from private wallets and from exchanges.

After the first six hours of the token sale, Ethereum purchasers will have two options for contribution:

Option 1: Use Unique ETH Address

The first option is to contribute to a unique per purchaser Ethereum address. Please note that this option MUST be used by purchasers that contribute ETH directly from an exchange.

Option 2: Contribute to a Crowdfunding Ethereum Contract

The second option is to contribute to a crowdfunding Ethereum contract. The address of the contract will be available on BitClave website after the whitelisted period is finished. Note, it will take some time after the 6 hour window to finalize all the transactions from the whitelist on the blockchain. A notification email will be sent to announce that Token Sale is open to general public.

The CAT tokens will be allocated to the same Ethereum address that was used to send the contribution. Please note that this option CANNOT be used by purchasers that contribute from exchanges.

Withdraw Address

To collect purchased tokens, purchasers must specify a withdraw address — a personal Ethereum wallet address where CATs will be sent. Purchasers will be asked to provide a withdraw address at registration. Pre-sale participants who have not added a withdraw address to their account may do so on the BitClave dashboard.

We have registered a special holding account to hold tokens on behalf of purchasers that have not provided a withdraw address by the end of the token sale. These tokens will be transferred from the holding account to purchasers when a withdraw address is provided.

Whitelist (Community Appreciation period)

The first 6 hours of the crowdsale are open only to whitelisted purchasers or purchasers that placed a deposit (whitelist window).

During the whitelist window, the individual contribution cap is 6K USD. In the case of contributions larger than the individual contribution cap, the purchaser will receive 6K USD worth of tokens with the remainder of the contribution handled as follows:

  • If at the end of the whitelist window the tokens were not sold out, the purchaser will receive shares of the remaining tokens in a pro rata amount based on the amount paid above the $6k amount.
  • Otherwise, any remaining amounts will be returned to such Purchasers.

After the whitelist window, the token sale will be open to all purchasers and there will be no individual contribution cap.

Rate for Deposits before Bitcoin Fork

Deposits made before the Bitcoin fork date will receive tokens based on the best rate between deposit date and Token Sale date.

Deposits made in Bitcoin before the Bitcoin fork will receive tokens based on both Bitcoin and Bitcoin2X cryptocurrencies.

Since price of the token is given in USD, we convert all contribution from cryptocurrencies to USD. Contribution in USD for deposits before Bitcoin Fork will be computed as follows

  1. Let USD_AMOUNT_A be the number of tokens computed based on USD to Bitcoin rate on date of deposit
  2. Let USD_AMOUNT_B1 be the number of tokens computed based on USD to Bitcoin rate on date of Token Sale
  3. Let USD_AMOUNT_B2 be the number of tokens computed based on USD to Bitcoin2X rate on date of Token Sale

Purchaser will get tokens of amount equal to maximum between USD_AMOUNT_A and (USD_AMOUNT_B1+USD_AMOUNT_B2).

On top of that token amount, additional bonus will be computed as per next section.


Purchasers may also qualify for bonus tokens during the token sale event. There will be a bonus based on contribution time and a bonus based of contribution amount. The total bonus will be the sum of both bonuses. BitClave will provide bonuses based on the following:

Deposit Bonus

Purchasers may deposit their contribution before the start of the token sale to secure a bonus. Minimal deposit amount is $100. Deposits made before the following dates will receive bonus tokens as follows:

  • Oct 29 8% token bonus
  • Nov 1 7% token bonus
  • Nov 4 6% token bonus
  • Till Nov 10 5% token bonus

Please note, purchasers may request a return of the total deposit amount at any time before the official start time of the token sale.

Time Bonus

  • 0–6 hours 30% token bonus (whitelist window. Community Appreciation)
  • Update 11/19: this bonus is cancelled: 6–7 hours 25% token bonus
  • Update 11/19: this bonus is cancelled:7–24 hours 20% token bonus
  • Update 11/19: this bonus is cancelled:2–7 days 15% token bonus

Sample Bonuses

So for example, an early purchaser who makes a deposit of $4000 on Oct 28 would receive a 38% token bonus (8% deposit bonus, 30% whitelist window bonus).

An early purchaser who makes a deposit of $1,000 on Oct 28 and $1,000 on Nov 23 would receive a 38% token bonus on the first 1K (8% deposit bonus, 30% whitelist window bonus) and 15% token bonus on the remaining $1,000 (NO deposit bonus, 15% time bonus).

An early purchaser who makes a deposit of $10,000 on Oct 28 would receive a 38% token bonus on the first 6K (8% deposit bonus, 30% whitelist window bonus) and a 33% token bonus on the remaining 4K (8% deposit bonus, 25% time bonus).

A whitelist purchaser who makes a contribution of $10,000 within the first six hours of the token sale would receive 30% token bonus on the first 6K (30% whitelist window bonus) and a 25% token bonus on the remaining 4K (25% time bonus).

Update 11/19: this bonus is cancelled: An purchaser who makes a contribution of $10,000 within the 6–7 hour time window would receive 25% token bonus (25% time bonus).




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