BitClave Weekly Update — Feb 25, 2018

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3 min readFeb 26, 2018



First, I’d like to congratulate the winners of last week’s technical challenge.

Last week we were focusing on the software quality of our platform code and were adding automated tests for base-node and base-client-js repositories. We’ll continue the work this week. We also went forward with an Ethereum implementation of a secure data sharing protocol.


Following up on last week’s update about about the monthly marketing metrics, we now have a digital editorial calendar in place that has all the content channels streamlined. There will be more content coming your way starting this week on various platforms. We are also evaluating a uniform tool that can be used to streamline all our marketing activities — online and offline.

We are currently facing issues with our Facebook page. Our page is unpublished due to an unknown reason and we’re trying to solve the problem as soon as possible.

We are hiring more people in Marketing and PR and are also looking for collaborations and partnerships. Don’t hesitate to write to us at


This week was rich with many events across the globe.

Our developers attended a SmileExpo at Geneva, Switzerland. Despite the fact that the event was aimed at upcoming ICOs exhibition, we managed to find many interesting people and projects, allowing us to have discussions about the industry and possible partnerships. A lot of interesting projects were focused on medicine, where data privacy and ownership are very important. We see how our platform is helping to solve serious problems.

Our own, Hiroyuki Noguchi, gave a great presentation at the ICO News Meetup at Tokyo, Japan. We noticed a large interest from various industry players and advertising agencies. We shared the podium with our friends from StarBase and Factom. The video of the event should be available shortly.

Our developers also attended the Global Blockchain & Fintech Forum 2018 in Moscow, Russia. MatchICO has added 14 more projects while discussing new features related to the advertising industry.

On Saturday, Alex and Hiroyuki gave interview at HuobiPro live stream. With hundreds of participants, it was a good event and good exposure to the project. The topic of the presentation was “Take The Internet Back”.



We have collected the top questions we have received from our community this week

  • What short and long term marketing strategies are in place for Bitclave in order for there to be mass adoption considering the ambitious goal is to take market share away from a giant like google?
    Answer: The current focus is reach out to the relevant community and make them aware of what it is like to be in a decentralized ecosystem. We certainly believe that for mass adoption, ideas and concepts need to be unique and should be driven by network effects. We do believe that our idea is unique with a great value proposition of disrupting the current search ecosystem. We plan to expand our network as much as we can by being on the mediums that have that affinity. At the same time, we also need to consider that we ourselves are in a decentralized network and that is completely community driven. We are looking at numbers closely but for us it is more important that people understand the value of blockchain and decentralized networks and how their data can be secured and how they can leverage their own data in the future.
  • Why is github code not being updated?
    Answer: base-node and base-node-js are updated almost daily. The updates are in development branches (not main branch yet). Also, please remember, that not all development is happening in public repositories. Significant development happens in private repositories as it includes private BitClave’s IP
  • What are the requirements to use the CAT/ETH exchange feature on website powered by Bancor
    Answer: you need to have MetaMask installed.

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