Weekly Update — Feb 4, 2018

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4 min readFeb 5, 2018




This week we made two significant improvements:

1. We developed a feature where you, as an ICO investor, can sell your CAT tokens and get ETH back. The feature is in testing phase and will be released middle of next week.

2. We developed code to check your Ethereum addresses for presence of tokens. This allows us to use your token balance for offer criteria as well as Ether balance.


We developed the frontend of our new website last week. With only minor polishing and bug fixing left, we plan to launch the new version next week.


Platform development continued this week. We focused on building the skeleton for main components. The emphasis was on structure and less on functionality. There are two new repositories on github, for our client library and for base-node. The client library is a JS library to be used by our SDK users. The SDK contains a sample application to demonstrate usage of SDK APIs. The base-node represents the node in BASE echo system. Both repositories come with automatically generated documentation for APIs.


We attended a private gathering of investors in Palo Alto. The discussion was around the future of Blockchain with a presentation from our friends at Trust Wallet, Bohdi and MOAC. It is always interesting to meet VC’s and private crypto investors and listen to their opinions on the development of a crypto world.

Next week we are planning to attend several meetings with Chinese investors and to participate in International Blockchain Congress in Chicago.


We are happy to announce that we completed the translation of our whitepaper to 4 new languages. Spanish, German, Korean and Japanese. These new languages will be published this week and we’ll announce it in all our social media channels.

Here we have collected the top questions we have received from our community this week

  1. Why there is no GitHub activity.
  • Answer: We continue to receive questions from our community on github activity so we’ll repeat the clarification from last week’s newsletter. BitClave plays two roles in building the BASE ecosystem. The 1st role is building the open platform to enable 3rd party development and the 2nd role is building Products and Services on top of that platform. A lot of activity happened in building products in BitClave’s 2nd role, but this activity was happening in private repositories on GitHub as it included BitClave’s private IP. The reason we have chosen to focus on products and prototypes 1st (our 2nd role) is to better experience the need of the 3rd parties and to better define the requirements for the platform (our 1st role). We kicked off the Platform project and you will see more and more activity in this direction as we ramp up.
  • As was commented above, two new repositories were created for platform development.

2. MatchICO: How many active projects do you have at the moment

  • Answer: 20 in average at the same time.

3. MatchICO: Why don’t you at least look at final balance of the address, for example I do not store ETH on the address which I had registered for different reasons, but I have other coins there, and value of them are much more than 0.5

  • Answer: Thank you for your suggestion. This is a very good idea and the feature is in final development stages

4. Why our token price is going down

  • Answer: We do not comment on the price of the token. Our focus is developing the ecosystem and supporting the products we developed.

5. Are you planning to unify user accounts in MatchICO and Fundraiser.

  • Answer: This is a very good question. We have started development in this direction this week and as this is not trivial activity it will take us few weeks to complete.

6. Where can I find the questions from the AMA session with Alex from this week

7. How can I use the APIs provided by BASE

  • Answer: At this stage there is not much real functionality provided by API. The focus this week was on structure. As a technical challenge and to celebrate the deployment of our first BASE node, we decided to reward 100 tokens to the first 5 users that tell us the first name of the user with ID “first”. Hint: Swagger API is deployed here base2-bitclva-com.herokuapp.com/swagger-ui.html and the required method is getData. Please contact us via chat on main website to provide your answer.




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