What is the BitClave Developer Partnership Program?

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4 min readJul 7, 2018

We’ve already written about the Demo of BASE Vault and Desearch we shared last week, and answered the common questions about it. The other big BitClave news recently was COO Vadim Gore’s announcement of the BitClave Developer Partnership Program + Contest on London. The Developer Program invites developers to create their applications using the data exchange and monetization capabilities of BASE. Eligible teams will be able to compete for awards totaling $50,000.

Below, we will answer the key questions about the Program and talk about how developers can partner with BitClave.

What makes the BASE platform distinct?

BitClave’s search engine BASE provides users enhanced privacy guarantees, backed by the decentralized nature of blockchain with its distributed ledger technology. BASE’s digital persona repository is a centralized data storage, with each record kept encrypted with the private key only the user owns, thus preventing BASE from sharing user’s data in human or machine readable format on its own accord. However, the smart contract that governs access to a user’s data runs on blockchain and requires network consensus to be modified.

What kinds of applications can be built on BASE?

BASE will support not only the BitClave secure search engine, but also any number of dApps that require a solid infrastructure for monetization, personal data management, and security. As we create the future of the internet, decentralization is key to securing user data and enshrining their rights to the value they create. We could see all sorts of applications built on BASE — all that is required is a shared commitment to empowering users to control their data, and share it for compensation if they wish.

Case Study: Search Engine

BitClave’s crypto-focused search engine Desearch is an early adopter of BASE, as seen in the Demo released by BitClave’s blockchain team. BASE is used to compensate users for viewing/interacting with promotions that are based to the parts of their user profile or search history they have revealed, along with their specific search terms.

Case Study: Social Media

In this scenario, BASE can be used to make sure that users of a decentralized social network are real people and not bots, and that no other users have the power to share the data of people in their network. Personal data is protected, because it can only be accessed through blockchain-regulated hashes.

Case Study: E-Commerce

On a decentralized ecommerce site, data and accessed can be controlled through BASE so that searches are more relevant and can compensate the users. Moreover, a user can feel more secure knowing that the payment information that they use for purchases is kept private on the blockchain.

Case Study: On-Demand Sharing Network

BASE technology can underpin a decentralized sharing network, like an home-sharing app 2.0. Users want who intend to purchase or rent want to distinguish themselves from mere browsers (and, not be implicitly paying for the ads served to low-willpower internet users.) Companies or those offering products/services can compensate users who are highly-relevant to their offers to view them, to better match their advertising to a user who would find it relevant.

Case Study: Review Platform

Users of a decentralized review platform can know that, with BASE, the searches they make and social, financial, and personal data they share are secure. They can share more for personalized recommendations and compensation, or less — the data is their own.

Case Study: Maps

Similar to the above example, users of a decentralized maps app alternative can rest easy knowing that the information they disclose on the app isn’t being collected. What’s more, the app developer can use BASE to organize and protect internal data, even without a search and monetization aspect currently built into the app.

What is the purpose of the Developer Program?

BitClave’s Developer Partnership Program encourages innovations and new applications in blockchain-based security. The current Program and Contest support developers of applications with small grants to promising dApps built on BASE.

Developers interested in working with BASE can register and submit their proposals for dAPPs, which can take advantage of the BASE infrastructure and goals. The submission period will last through the end of August, and shortly after, in a partnership between BitClave and its community, the finalists will be determined.

The BitClave Developer Partnership Program prize winners will be chosen based on the potential social value of their project, the attention to the importance of privacy in the digital age, and the idea’s support of the BitClave mission. The project must be realistically achievable in the timespan of the competition.

Who is eligible for the Developer Contest and prizes?

US-based teams of no more than four people are eligible to compete for awards totalling $50,000. The finalists who are eligible will have the support of the BitClave development team to submit their final applications by October 30. A team of BitClave innovators and community members will choose the winning team, who will receive a prize of $15,000, as well as lesser awards for the runner-up, third place prize, and up to three student winners. Everyone interested in the Contest should thoroughly read the Contest Rules.

Have a great idea that you can make a reality on BASE, or want to read more about the Program and Contest? Get the latest information here.

We hope you find these updates as exciting as we do. Please reach out with your reactions, comments, questions, or concerns. Stay tuned for continuing news!




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