Time For Something Else

Something Else
Bitclout Magazine
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2021
Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

I’m a writer.

It still gives me chills (and makes me cringe) to be able to make that claim. But it’s true. I make my living as a writer.

I love my work. I love my job, my creative freedom, and my field.

But there’s something left unfulfilled.

Before discovering Bitclout it had never occurred to me before, but true freedom lies in anonymity.

This isn’t a novel concept — especially not for creatives on the internet. Though it had never crossed my mind until joining Bitclout with my anonymous user name: I can write in a totally new way without my identity.

Ironically, the shield of anonymity allows me to find my true identity as a writer and creative.

With this blog, and with my Bitclout account, I plan on experimenting with this newfound freedom.

It’s not as if I lie in my day-to-day, I don’t feel that I censor myself or fear the judgment of others. But without having to face critiques of my work as a proxy for my social and professional standing, I can write purely. If you don’t like my ideas, my prose, or anything else — you might still walk by me on the street or see my work in the ‘real’ world and think differently.

Without a face, I hope to be able to lift my mask.

I hope you’ll join me on my journey here on Medium and on Bitclout as I find out what this all means and see where it takes me.

Time for Something Else.



Something Else
Bitclout Magazine
Editor for

Founder and Editor of Bitclout Magazine. Find me on Bitclout: https://bitclout.com/u/SomethingElse