Bitcoin ABC May 2020 Transparency Report

George Donnelly
3 min readJun 15, 2020


In May 2020, Bitcoin ABC made noteworthy progress on code improvements to the node software, executed a network upgrade and continued advancing towards its fundraising goals. Here is our May 2020 transparency report. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome any time. See our contact information at the end of this report.

This report is also available as a downloadable PDF.

What Bitcoin ABC Achieved in May 2020

During the month of May 2020, Bitcoin ABC made 350 code commits to its source code repository, and made two releases (0.21.6 and 0.21.7). Some highlights for the month include:

May 2020 Income and Expenses

In May 2020, Bitcoin ABC received income of $267,500 from USD-denominated sources plus 458.5778932 BCH. In that same month, we had expenses of $73,499.95 in USD, or USD-equivalent, plus 120.78 BCH in expenses.

The income numbers reflect amounts received as part of the Bitcoin ABC 2020 fundraiser at We greatly appreciate all the contributions we received, which are enabling us to begin growing and building.



N.B. Income and expenses represented in USD were not necessarily received or paid in USD but are simply represented in USD terms for convenience and consistency.

The Bitcoin ABC Team

The new funds we raised during May 2020 permitted us to solidify the onboarding of a new full-time developer, hire a business development manager and continue the employment of a mid-level engineer.

As of 31 May 2020, Bitcoin ABC includes a total of 8 people, as follows:

  • 5 software developers
  • 1 technical operations manager
  • 1 business developer
  • 1 customer relations manager


Please contact us any time with feedback and questions. We look forward to speaking with you.

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