Only 5% Get in this Level _ How to Evolve Your Mind

Tiago o Mayavangua Jr
Bitcoin Angola
Published in
10 min readOct 21, 2020

When we are born, we become the fruit of beliefs and convictions that are passed on to us. For example, the way we see right and wrong, the way we know we should deal with other people, the way we believe in corporations, in religion, the way we believe in capitalism, socialism, or even the way we believe in the judicial and legislative systems.

After a while, we grow up, and most of us don’t see much problem in
continue to believe in almost everything that was transmitted to them, it’s as if it was so internalized inside that it was simply the way society works, and these people stop thinking that in the words of Steve Jobs when he said that “everything around us was created by people may be as intelligent as us” and as we realize this, we realize that
can change things.

95% of the people in all society, of all the people in the world, are level 1, level 1 is the state of the victim is the state of being in this giant world of 7 billion people and feeling small, feeling as if their own life does not have the slightest difference for all the events and the way the world works.

These people find themselves in a situation where they don’t see how they can change anything from complaining to blaming the causes of their problems on a third-party agent like the government, economy. Basically blame the circumstances around them for the problems they have in their life, they accrete roughly and immeasurably in absolutely everything they were taught, the immutable society the way they have today and there is nothing they can do to change that.

only a funny thing happens with 5% of people, these people start to question they begin to wonder whether the reality they live in is so immutable like this, they begin to realize that in fact what is to our
It wasn’t done by someone perhaps more intelligent than us, so they know they can change things. And when they understand that their life is never the same, because they believe that their reality is modal is Flexible that it bows to their desires and therefore they can create their They understand that everything around us is the fruit of convections. and when we understand this, we know that our beliefs are the same as our own. they simply fill the vase that represents our essence, they do not compose immutably what we are, that is, we can take these beliefs and replace them with others that are more empowering that can increase our chances of what we want for life, and then they enter level 2.

At level 2 the issue is not that you don’t believe, but that you understand that your whole personality and your thoughts are the fruit of other thoughts that people have put about you without you having had the choice, and when you enter level 2 realizing that you have the choice to think the way you think best. So if you don’t believe in working from 9 am to 5 pm you can quit your job and look for another company with a flexible schedule or maybe set up your own company to work the way you think best. If you don’t believe in the beliefs of your religion, because possibly your beliefs conflict with medicine, you understand that You can either subdistrict the beliefs you have from those religions and have no religion at all, or you can substitute beliefs from other religions that may be more convergent in the way you think. If you don’t believe in the way society imposes the way a man and a woman should relate, you can come up with your ideas about how two or more people can maintain a relationship.

In short words you understand that your reality is really only for you because before it reaches you it goes through a filter that we all have about our eyes, we all have preconceived thoughts about things we will receive. You’ve met someone who seems that when you say something many times it ends up bringing it to a negative side that was never the sense you wanted to give of what you were talking about in the first place.

Whereas you have extremely positive people, people who take everything in play and that you may escape something so horrendous and the person will look at you and start laughing with you. They are completely different people and it could be that you tell these two people the same things and they will face in absolutely opposite directions.

Because everyone has a filter, and when you understand that this filter is the fruit of our choices, you can remove it and replace it with another that will make you interact better with people, you choose how you will perceive the world. T. Harv Eker has a phrase that says “Our thoughts generate feelings, these feelings in us generate actions, and finally, these actions will generate our results, but everything starts with our thoughts”.

When you arrive at level 2, you know that you can exercise to change your thoughts, if you are familiar with the law of attraction this is a belief, it is the belief that you will receive much more than you will deliver to the world, this dictates completely the way you treat others, the way you help others, the way you smile in the day, the way you give good morning.

This is not necessarily true, there is no scientific study saying that we will be richer or healthier or happier because we believe that We help others and we will have these things. Belief, even knowing that this is not an absolute truth.

So it is the attitude of choosing the beliefs that we have, of exchanging convictions that do not add us for others that we know will bring some result to our life, that defines the people who are on level 2.

And another thing happens when you’re on level 2, is that you get on a high state of personal development acceleration, because you have begun to understand that everything starts with your thoughts, you seek to grow very fast and if develop in various areas and gain knowledge, then its curve of growth that before on level 1 was in a way starting to grow exponentially it begins to build on itself as an effect of compound interest act on money the knowledge we have acquired builds on itself and is generating interest in the form of more knowledge more perspectives more achievements for you.

And as we know that the more we learn the more we earn, this is reflected in the amount of money we have, this is reflected in the happiness that we have in our relationships, this is reflected by we know that whether or not we achieve something depends only on ourselves and that the circumstances around us are not immutable standards upon which we can’t have participation, we realize that given the circumstances we have to adapt to prosper in these circumstances, this is the mentality of those on level 2.

Because you’ve probably learned that differences are part of human nature, which is each person, has the beliefs that have been placed upon them or that they have chosen.

We learn that it is not our religion that is right, we even learn that religion is something that we have chosen to believe in and not necessarily that it is the absolute truth. Because nothing is absolute truth, everything goes through a filter, so we become tolerant people because we understand the process that makes human thought and also that no one is the same.

Then it becomes clearer that society works not only because it is immutable but because all the people who inhabit it believe in things similar enough for society to function at all.

This is one of the reasons why you believe in a company, a company is not an entity that can stand up and walk out and take an own attitude, it is a group of people, if all the people that today make up that company leave that company the company would not exist anymore, it is a collective. The judiciary system only works because people believe that it works. The state bureaucracy only works because the same people believe that the role that is being generated there has validity is pertinent for us to live. Worship only exists because people share the same beliefs, money only exists because most people believe it exists.

None of these things are real, all of them were concrete conventions imposed on us, which we chose to accept. Those on level 2 understand that the circumstances around them are reasons for them to develop, to adapt without blaming a third party for their problems, but they do their best to flexible on this circumstance, to shape their reality to prosper in this scenario.

There is another level in this pyramid that we call level 3. In the transition period from level 2 to level 3, we have already achieved a lot of success in life, we have won a lot of money, we are already very happy, we have health, we don’t have the foresight to work to earn money. After all, we have won so much money that we can live our lives quietly without working to earn another penny because we will have money to live all this.

At that level, you begin to strip yourself of any motivation that had been personal to you that your life would be better than you would have more than you would prosper and begin to look more at humanity as a whole. You start to see that the individual struggle is meaningless if it doesn’t push the human race forward and that’s why on level 3 your only purpose is to push the human race forward.

On level 3, there is no personal journey, we already have everything beginning to be moved by the idea that humanity can achieve very great things and need people who are on the frontier of human knowledge to achieve these great things, and we listen to this definition and start thinking about people who have reached this level we can think about the Bill Gate that has the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF),” which is a philanthropic institution that invests billions every year to attack problems related to the lack of health of lower-income populations, of sustainable energy that our world so much needs. We can also look at Elon Musk who is the CEO of “TESLA” which has the mission to transform the planet’s energy into sustainable energy and also look at “SpaceX” which has the mission to take man to Mars, and who knows after that the stars.

When we get to level 3, our only motivation is to take humanity forward, but I also want to bring another perspective on how you possibly look at the world. You have already heard the story of how the material — the carbon atoms, nitrogen, oxygen — that make up the human body, that makes up everything we see around us that makes up life on earth, these elements are composed of particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.

These heavy atoms with nuclei of various prototypes and neutrals were fused initially in a nucleus of stars billions of years ago, in a process called “Nuclear Fusion”. The pressure inside the heart of the stars is so ridiculously absurd that the nuclei of atoms touch each other and become new heavier atoms like nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms. And for billions of years, the ecosystem of a star remains in balance which is the external force made by this nuclear reaction in the heart of the stars against the gravity of that star itself.

So the star remains stable, but eventually, after billions of years when the entire star core has been fused into heavier core elements, the nuclear fusion reaction no longer has elements to fuse with and the external energy provided by this fusion can no longer fight the internal force caused by gravity. Then the star implodes at a speed of thousands of kilometers per second compressing its core in a short time in a dense space and this releases an amount of energy when this type of reaction can be observed it emits a brighter light than that of an entire galaxy. This reaction is called a super new, it is the implosion and explosion of a star.

This process releases from what was once a star those traces of heavy elements of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Elements these essentials to compose life as we know today and all this is present in a cloud of gas around what was before the star and after a few million years points begin to form, points of greater concentration begin to attract new particles and focuses of these particles form planets and other stars and this gives rise to a new generation of stars.

Why am I telling you this? This is related to everything that we portrayed at the beginning of this story, I am telling you this because this new solar system that is generated because of the death of that first star is a solar system that now has exactly the elements necessary to form everything that we know to form life as we know it today, that is, everything that you are seeing around you from the screen of your cell phone or computer that you are reading this story to the hair on your body all this is made of heavy atoms that were fused in the nuclei of a star.

We are all-star poets if you are one of those people who looks at the world and feels shy in front of those 7 billion people who inhabit our planet, or if you look at the sky and see that all those little dots up there are stars and that each star of those stars has other planets we can feel as if our life has no relevance in front of all that greatness that is the universe, we can feel impotent as if we have no possibility of being relevant in that immense world that we inhabit. But now that you know this story that is the history of life that is the history of everything that we know today that yes, we are within that universe, we are part of that universe and more important than perhaps both that facts are that the universe is within us.

And when we understand this, we feel a sense of connection, of relevance because we are something much bigger than ourselves, and well this is what everyone wants in life to feel relevant, to feel as if it is part of the functioning of the events that happen around us and that is exactly what everyone is, simply because we are alive.



Tiago o Mayavangua Jr
Bitcoin Angola

O pior não é quando possuimos muito ou pouco dinheiro, mas sim quando o dinheiro nos possui.