Shitcoin Casino – Get Ready for the Crypto Market to Moon

Are you ready for the Vomit Comet?

Bitcoin Balls
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2022


I awoke this morning to a notification that the price of Bitcoin fell to under $35k. More consolidation, yet in the face of good news everywhere. So what’s happening?

Threat of war in Ukraine, markets everywhere melting down, and crypto assets are not immune to these events either. I also think BTC with its well developed futures markets, can be manipulated to some degree. And where Bitcoin leads, the altcoins currently follow.

Traditional money managers have seen the returns available, and they want in on the action. Having depressed the price, they’ve backed up the truck and are filling up on cheap crypto.

What follows, once it gets going, will take your breath away. Or make you throw up in your mouth.

Make no mistake, crypto is the the future, with big daddy BTC as the stable coin of the future. No more 100x returns on Bitcoin, just a nice steady adoption curve as it becomes a more widely adopted store of value and largely demonetises gold. The rest of the crypto market will replace the current financial system with the spoils going to the token holders rather than the current banking intermediaries.

If you have some spare cash sitting on the sidelines, now might be a good time to invest. Just for posterity, I’ll post some coins below, we can do the maths later.

A $10,000 investment with $1,000 in each of the following at todays prices:

Here’s the portfolio. Don’t forget to like and follow me, as I’ll revisit this portfolio every month for the next year and we can see the ROI.

Have fun in the rollercoaster, and try not to throw up!

