Bad Bitcoin Quotes

Bad Bitcoin Quotes From the Uninformed

I Love Bitcoin
8 min readNov 23, 2013


I couldn’t resist! Here is a compilation of quotes from people who don’t really know what bitcoin is. They may have read a comment or two online or lapped-up the smear campaign put forth by the mainstream media and other critics. These comments were taken from Facebook, Gootube, RT, and various other “news” sources. Names have been withheld, naturally!

Punctuation, spelling, and grammar have not been changed.

“I'm sure the US Government/banks will destroy bitcoin any day now.”

“i dont even know really what bitcoin is but i do know a digital currency is the ultimate fiat currency so i dont see how it is an alternative so im not gonna fuck with it “

“I agree with you about bitcon. The govt. super computers will manufacture thousands of these (eventually) worthless digits, and steal money from everyone else.....just like always! “

“CIA stands behind bitcoin! They want to set the standard for a digital currency before China sets its own gold backed new currency. Bitcoin will definitely go up in value, but still contolled by the same elite!”

“Still it's a currency out of thin air!”

“bitcoins (guns) don't kill dollars (people)... people do... LOL”

“banks will have to buy bitcoin to offset themselves i think”

“What is stopping the FED printing a load of cash and buying bit coins on a grand scale? If they can print 85billion per month, taking control of bitcoin would be a walk in the park!”

“Swop cash for vertual money? Yeah I'll buy that shit n bet yer sweet ass its gonna crash”

“Even smart people you like you have been completely fooled. TPTB created bitcoin.”

“Most people buy bitcoins as a temporary investment, thinking they'll make easy money. They don't realise that it's not any different than a stock. Which could have the same outcome as the 1920s Wallstreet golden decade. You have to realise that with bitcoins you don't have easy inflation, you have easy deflation. Which means the house you bought for 10000bitcoins can be worth 100bitcoins in 10years. This could trigger a serious depression like we've never seen never before. You should have bought it 2 years ago, you lost your chance, don't get carried away by the hype. “

“Bitcoins will never be a currency while it is inflating so radically. Who would buy a chocolate bar wondering if they will wake up tomorrow knowing the Bitcoins they spent were worth $20 today? As long as Bitcoins are being used as stock and market investments they can't function as currency. I seriously doubt anybody is actually spending “

“it seems good but the backside of it is NOT good, "even lobotomy got the nobel prize", this is far more dangerous than the tulipmania during the 1600 era. the fall will be bigger. stay away from bitcoins!! “

“Lol! What the hell is a bit coin. How does using my computer generate cash? No one even answers this. I remember back in the day there was a new pyramid scheme every 5 seconds and millions would rush to all of them. Who needs my computing power enough to pay me a bit coin to mine their data? The NSA? No person with my level of tech experience or higher ever though there was such a thing a secure because we are the ones who crack this shit. Make your bucks how you want but the laws of computing are simple. Nothing is secure if someone wants it enough. “

“Bit coins “semi anonymous" founder is Satoshi Nakamoto, the name is said to mean "wise origin", sounds familiar, "adam weishaupt"=first wise man. Anyone who thinks a currency can emerge without powerful people being involved is naive. A one world government needs a single world currency, and what better way to get the cattle to accept it than to tell them its rebellious to use it. “

“bit coin can such my you know what, i will stick with good old gold and silver. an electronic form of fiat currency is exactly what the bankers want, reduces printing costs. talk about controlling the "alternate" currencies. they got there fingers all in this shit. “

“Gold/silver = backed by intrinsic value, industrial and medical uses, cant be manipulated.
US dollar = backed by us military, taxes, trade, labor and the system set up upon. Easily devalued by inflation.
bit coins = backed by nothing. pure fiat. trend. gambling. wasted hours of electricity from being mined. “

“Beanie babies aren't divisible so I think it's something else.”

“Great, another fiat currency. This one is just like the US Dollar...printed out of thin air (except "everyone" can be their own "Fed"). Get real and buy something tangible that people will trade real goods for. Buy ammo.”

“I bet it never sees $900 again. Even if every argument BTC bulls use are valid, the coin can't justify the lofty valuations it achieved any more than tulip bulbs in Holland could be justifiably valued at prices many times the annual salary of a skilled laborer. I won't put my money were my mouth is, as there is no measuring the levels of stupidity some can reach before reality ultimately sets in, but ultimately reality always does and this time won't be any different.”

“Remember the 1 oz silver ingot craze in the mid 1970s? Every mint in America was minting 1 oz silver bars with images on them in limited quantities and selling them for a small fortune on a per ounce basis convincing investors to pay up for them because of scarcity value. It was a complete fraud and a bust. Please don't get caught up in what is nothing more than another derivation of a common theme that in the end amounts to nothing more than the greater fool theory meaning most of the bag holders at the end of the run will be the greater fools.”

“Any form of money which doesn't have a fixed value against other denominations of money, is doomed to fail, as it doesn't create stability. So its a bubble, and as we know, all bubbles burst, only a question of time.”

“Hey Einstein, "demand" is a function of psychology first. That means if suddenly there was no longer demand, then it makes ZERO difference on total availability of the underlying. If the US Govt, with a stroke of the pen says "Bitcoin is off limits to transact for any American" then demand goes to near zero in .01 seconds. This creates a valuation debacle driving Bitcoin head first into the ground. If you take Bitcoin out of the worlds largest economy (the USofA) then Bitcoin is nothing but a novelty to be used to grab stuffed animals out of those little grapple box things down at the arcade. Last person out, flip the switch please... “

“Yeah, I'd totally trust a currency invented by an anonymous entity. Especially a currency that has not been proven secure. What could possibly go wrong?”

“Now that Bitcoin is becoming a reality will my imaginary friend become eligible for food stamps?????”

“Bitchcoin. For any retailer who sold goods or services with BTC @ $700. To avoid such losses they just have to suspend business activity whenever BTC price is fluctuating. Which is always. Bitchcoin.”

“Fucking day traders and bots”

“When the zombie apocalypse hits, I would much rather have a few chickens, a garden and goat or two instead of bitcoins. (or a big lump of gold for that matter) :)”

“Normally, the Fed should oppose Bitcoin because it will remove the control and the money making from the shadow bankers behind the Federal Reserve. Theory: The Fed had worked a way to infiltrate Bitcoin system to destroy it from the inside somehow. Two tests succeeded: two Bitcoin sites have been hacked, one in Australia and one in China, and millions of Bitcoin disappeared. We got apologies from the first one and China man disappeared possible to avoid being killed by the Chinese mob. Coincidentally, just after, the fed announced Bitcoin is legit. They will set Bitcoin up for a big heist killing two birds one shot.”

“Investors are not buying bitcoin. Speculators are buying bitcoin. Bitcoins are nothing more that sugar coated virtual slugs. Go try to buy some gold assets with bitcoin and you'll quickly see their value. Go try put down a bitcoin deposit on property - good luck - only way that would happen is if you found a bitcoin deluded owner. Said it before and I repeat - bitcoin is a scam, fake, and fraud. Now, on the other hand I have some investment grade Tulips you might want to consider instead...”

In summary…

It’s a big world out there, people with all different points-of-view, experiences and opinions. Most of my time and exposure learning about bitcoin has been rather sheltered, following the experts, subscribing to podcasts and gootube channels, and all over twitter like a bad suit. I’ve come to really appreciate what bitcoin is and recognize the power it has to change the world. I also see its shortcomings at the moment; difficulty of exchanging it from/to fiat, spending it on a day to day basis, the whole security issue, volatility, and all that goes with the infancy of a new system.

After having a chuckle at some of the comments, think: how can I educate others who are uninformed or misinformed and how can I contribute to the positive image of bitcoin?

Thank you for reading. If you found this entertaining and would like to show your appreciation with bitcoin, here is my address: 17HT3jofFHn4sqAGBR14TUMbQqwxM2wjGo

Much appreciated!

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