Bitcoin and Crypto 10 Years Into The Future

Bitcoin Frontier
Published in
8 min readSep 27, 2022


For many of us in the cryptocurrency market, our largest weakness is that often our timeframe is too short. This is what makes the current market situation for many so stressful. Just a handful of months ago Bitcoin was worth $69k, Ethereum was nearly $5k, Solana was approaching $300 and the list goes on. But today, the prices of those coins are much lower. For those who have a shorter timeframe, this price action could have caused them to either panic and sell, or become depressed with the loss of value in their portfolios. For those of us who have been in the Bitcoin and crypto market for quite a while, we know to always keep a much longer timeframe. We have lived through these cycles of incredible highs, and depressing lows. The cycle repeats time after time. But the important thing is that, over a long enough timeframe, prices continue to go up. That is why you will often hear Bitcoin supporters say “when in doubt, zoom out,” during times that Bitcoin is dipping. And it is true, when zooming out it is easy to see that Bitcoin continues to be moving on an upwards trajectory.

We have all heard the advice given to people just entering the Bitcoin market. “Just buy some Bitcoin, don’t touch it, and forget about it for 5 to 10 years.” Usually, the people giving this advice will say something about the fact that this will grow into life-changing wealth for you. When…

