The Green Report — 11/13/2018

Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2018

Welcome to our weekly progress report series, The Green Report. The Green Report series is designed to keep our community informed on recent Bitcoin Green developments. Make sure to check out last week’s report which contains more information about recent objectives.

Bitcoin Green China on Medium

  • We’ve been working with a Chinese translator to create our Medium page for Bitcoin Green China
  • We are working on building a Chinese community — it starts with translated content
  • We are in process of having our Medium content translated to other languages–if you are interested in contributing please make a bounty submission Progress

  • Over 2100 signups!
  • 2nd iteration of front-end graphic designs completed
  • On-boarding of an established marketing/PR company has begun
  • KYC-integration process starting

Roots Network Development

  • We’ve been consistently building out our Roots Network Bounty program
  • We now have a new submission process, as well as new suggested bounties
  • We’ve been receiving several bounty submissions each day — great job!

Recent Bounties

Stay tuned for the announcement of our initial site launch. You can check our Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and Reddit for updates!

If you have any questions, please reach out at!




Raising awareness for the advantages of proof-of-stake and other sustainable forms of network consensus.