Move XRC to Trezor: Short Tutorial

3 min readDec 30, 2019


For those that have been keeping their XRC in Strong Hands program addresses, but have been waiting for the grace period to move coins to a Trezor, this short tutorial should help.

The process below is similar to this page: and this: (this post can be slightly be out-of-date) There are specifics for each platform that you should have already setup when you setup your Trezor wallet for the first time.

This is going to describe setting up an Electrum-XRC wallet file linked to your Trezor. Your Trezor seed remains the same, however, we are just setting up a wallet file so you can get new addresses that you can deliver your coins to.

1. Download Electrum-XRC for your platform at

2. Open Electrum-XRC to create a new wallet. (If you already have Electrum-XRC setup, go to File -> New/Restore …) Give the wallet file a new name.

3. Choose “Standard Wallet”. These produce “R” addresses.

4. Insert your Trezor. When selecting a new keystore, choose “Use a hardware device” and click “Next”.

5. If all is good, it should detect your Trezor with the name you gave it. Click “Next”.

6. Enter your PIN based on the pattern on the Trezor screen.

7. Select “legacy”. You do not need to touch the derivation path. Click Next.

(Advanced Tip: m/44'/10291'/0' means that it is an XRC wallet type, using the very first set of addresses. “10291” is a number defined specifically for XRC. The last “0'” can be edited to create new batches of addresses. For example:

* m/44'/10291'/0' is the first wallet,
* m/44'/10291'/1' is the second wallet with a different set of addresses
* m/44'/10291'/2', etc.

In the Trezor Web Wallet, this is the approach used to create separate wallets even if the seed is the same.

If you feel uncomfortable with this, just click “Next”.)

8. You might be asked to encrypt the file. This is merely to encrypt your transaction data. Remember that the Trezor still has the private key.

9. The wallet file is created, linked to your Trezor. You can now use the Trezor when sending and receiving transactions through Electrum-XRC.

How do I move my StrongHands balances over?

Go to the Receive tab, and copy the address present. Then paste that address into the other wallet’s sending interface and send what you want to the new address.

It is recommended to use a fresh address each time you send coins.

