Daily update from DevconV: Day 0

Mikael Bondum
Bitcoin Suisse
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019

After spending the Sunday on adjusting +7 hours on the time zone, I was ready to join the team in exploring Osaka and the pre-events on Day 0. The blockchain events already started in Tokyo last week, but today things had moved to Osaka, and Monday was packed with options for events taking place in and around Osaka.

I opted for the Lightning Talks, arranged by ethplanet — which by the way, has nothing to do with the #lightningnetwork ;) With just 8 minutes per speaker, there was room for 46 speakers in just one day(!) Naturally enough, they could not dive deep into each topic, but it was great to see what people are working on and it gave a glimpse into what we will experience over the next coming days.

Later on, I went with two colleagues to the DAIsuki meetup, arranged by MakerDAO. Prior for my departure to Osaka, I had signed up through @wearekickback, which requires you to stake 10 DAI in order to commit your sign-up for the event. When you show up, you get your DAI back and on top of that, a proportional share of the DAI from the MIA’s. Making #DAI while participating in the #Maker community and being fed with Japanese food and cold beer — how about that!

A show of hands revealed that the vast majority of attendees had held DAI at some point in time before they had to stake them for the entry ticket, which was quite surprising for me — but on the other hand — it was a very healthy sign of community engagement and real adoption.

Below, the community lead of Maker in Japan, with a group photo of the evening event:

All in all, the lightning talks and the meetup was a great way to kick…start #devcon5. The team are looking forward to the coming DAIs!

View from the hotel of Osaka

