Daily update from DevconV: Day 4

Mikael Bondum
Bitcoin Suisse
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2019

Last day of the conference and it was noticeable. Because of the incoming super typhoon, more than a 1.000 flights from Japan was cancelled, most on Saturday which was the main return flight date for devcon participants. Instead many rebooked to Friday, which could be seen in the attendance of various events.

The upside for me personally was that it meant plenty of space on the front row seats at the most star-infused panel debates. For example the one on main stage on interoperability between blockchain communities. Vitalik Buterin moderated the panel debate which included Jae Kwon as well as the leaders of the Zcash and Ethereum Classic community.

Vitalik moderating the debate, which unfortunately didn’t include much of a debate

Unfortunately the debate became more of a joint-talk. All pretty much agreed that more interoperability is a good thing and that each blockchain community has to work better to share ideas and technological progress across chains. They didn’t include questions from the audience, which they usually do, which could have sparked up the discussion a bit.

Emin Gün Sirer on the other hand always bring colourful speaks to a conference and devcon was no dissappointment. He called the upcoming AVA Labs a ‘spoon’ to the Ethereum network — let’s see how that plays out.

The closing ceremony featured less than 50% of the people that attended the opening ceremony, but since they had pulled down a gigantic “curtain” to separate the main hall into two stages, the main stage felt packed anyway — which was great for the music, video and dance that occurred on-stage.

All in all a great event and I am already looking forward to next year’s devcon!

