The People of Bitcoin Suisse: Afina Inina

Ian Simpson
Bitcoin Suisse
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2021

In conversation with Ian Simpson

In September 2019, Bitcoin Suisse welcomed its 100th employee — Afina Inina. Since then, the company has continued to grow, with a current total of over 180 employees in 3 locations (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Denmark).

1. Tell us what you do at Bitcoin Suisse…

I am a Solution Architect, currently working in the crypto team on the automation part of things to make our services faster and even more client friendly.

2. …and how did you end up at the Bitcoin Suisse?

It was actually a job advertisement at the Zug railway station that caught my attention and I thought it would be a good idea to work with blockchain technology. After the first interviews, I met my future colleagues and that helped convince me that this would be a good place to work. And now, I’ve actually brought in two other acquaintances, Lada and Valeriia, to work here too.

3. What’s the most interesting or exciting work that you have done over the past year here?

Actually, everything has been quite exciting and interesting. I have gained a lot of new knowledge and new experiences. Before joining Bitcoin Suisse, my blockchain/cryptocurrency knowledge was pretty basic.

4. What’s the biggest difference between building regular applications and blockchain or crypto applications…from your experience?

Less existing documentation — so the methods to learn some new information are different — you have to gather many different pieces of information, bits of code and find different people with the right expertise. And also quick changes, but that is the new normal in the world today.

5. Best music to relax with?

Probably jazz or classical music — and dance music if there is possibility to dance. I especially enjoy Alina Pash or Kwaye when I’m really digging into a tough problem. Also, I am a big fan of modern Ukrainian and traditional Spanish music.

6. Best music to code by?

Just about any music will do — as long as it allows me to relax and let my brain work. Progressive metal is quite good — TOOL, for instance.

7. Words of wisdom for an aspiring (blockchain) developer…?

I don’t like to give advice… 😊

But as far as what you can expect at Bitcoin Suisse — nice colleagues, good atmosphere, and no babysitting.

8. Most interesting things you’ve learned since working at Bitcoin Suisse?

I learned a lot about crypto and blockchain in general — wallets, private keys, gas prices, crypto transactions and more. But in general, it is exciting to witness the creation of something new that is changing the world.

9. Favorite tech blog or publication?

Habrahabr is a great one…but my sources of information and news are changing all the time depending on what I am searching for and what I am working with. I like educational platforms like edx and coursera. And of course, our internal Bitcoin Suisse Memes channel is also a good source of news!

From the Bitcoin Suisse Meme channel

Photos by Thomas McAdam

Originally published at on January 7, 2021.

