Croeso Bitcoin!

Introducing: Bitcoin SV Wales

Bitcoin SV Wales
Bitcoin SV Wales
5 min readSep 6, 2019


Welcome to the first post from the new Bitcoin SV Wales group. In this post, we would like to introduce ourselves and our mission for helping Wales become a centre for blockchain adoption.

Who are we?

The Bitcoin SV Wales group is an open community, which we hope will grow in the future and reach thousands of consumers and businesses right across Wales and the neighbouring regions.

We are part of the official Bitcoin Association (BA) network of meet-up groups for blockchain enthusiasts, enterprises and consumers alike. You can find out more here about the Bitcoin Association and the work it is doing globally to foster widespread adoption of blockchain technology. With the help of the BA, we are hoping to run many educational and business-oriented events, with a host of varied speakers from the cryptocurrency space, which will be organised via our official meet-up page.

The group itself is currently run by our small team of local enthusiasts from in and around the Cardiff area: Gabe, Jamie, Jack, Freddie and James. We will be responsible for curating our educational and enterprise materials, as well as organising our events, meet-ups and workshops in the future. We are a small team at the moment, and are entirely unpaid volunteers, but we are keen to work hard to help promote the growth and adoption of blockchain technology in Wales.

We will talk a little more about ourselves in an upcoming post, where you can get to know the team properly! But, for now at least, we would like to outline what our aims and objectives are for this group, and explain what Bitcoin SV Wales is all about.

What are our aims?

Bitcoin is a little over a decade old, having celebrated its 10 year anniversary just this year. However, the technological and economic breakthroughs of Bitcoin and blockchain have been relatively slow to gain adoption, and realise their potential — particularly in Wales.

This is what we aim to change in Wales.

The primary goal of the Bitcoin SV Wales group is to facilitate the adoption of blockchain in Wales, both by consumers and local businesses, by providing high quality educational materials and sound advice for enterprise.

We also hope to encourage healthy debate and discussion about the future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in general. It is often difficult to find clear, objective and honest advice when it comes to Bitcoin and blockchain. We believe that it is vital to help however we can in the efforts to inform and educate on the revolution that is Bitcoin in Wales.

It is our aim to help build on and further the brilliant work that is already being done by other educational groups in the region, like Bitcoin Wales, in order to accelerate adoption in Wales and help it become a true technological ambassador for the future of electronic money.

Is this group for you?

Absolutely! There is no need to have any existing understanding or familiarity with Bitcoin to get involved with our work and events.

The properties and benefits of the blockchain are varied and profound, but one of the most important things to know is that you don’t need to be a genius or a cryptography whizz to make use of those benefits! In the near future, we will be demonstrating many applications of blockchain technology, which have real-world utility, that you can use today.

Whether you are a forward-thinking business owner, or simply an intrigued consumer with a passing interest in digital currencies like Bitcoin, we will be providing articles, demonstrations, events and guides that will cater to you.

What are we going to do?

So, just what are we planning to do to achieve our goals? Well, the list of our planned activities include:

  • Educational articles for consumers and users
  • Educational articles for business and enterprise
  • Knowledge series articles (just for fun!)
  • Regular casual meet-ups for discussion and networking
  • Events with speakers
  • Workshops (for both users and businesses)
  • General news and reporting

Although we expect this list to grow over time as we establish a community base, these activities will be our primary focus for the near future.

What is Bitcoin SV?

We are aware that, while many of you may have heard of the term ‘Bitcoin’ before, you may not be so familiar with ‘Bitcoin SV’.

To put it simply, Bitcoin SV is just the name given to one of the three main competing blockchains that have a shared history with the first Bitcoin block ever mined, all the way back in 2009. The three chains are most commonly referred to using the ‘tickers’ BTC, BCH and BSV respectively.

There is an awful lot of history to explain, and even more technical discussion that can be had comparing the three implementations of Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention. We will leave all of that for future posts, but you can be assured that it is a very interesting story, even for the most casual layman!

Why have we mentioned this in our introduction?

Well, the simple answer is that the Bitcoin SV Wales group, while being primarily focused on the Bitcoin SV implementation and its advantageous properties, is committed to providing educational material covering all of the implementations of Bitcoin. The vast majority of the information in our material will apply to all three chains, so our group should be welcoming of any and all existing blockchain enthusiasts, no matter what preference you may have.

Where can you follow us?

We are hoping to kick things off on all of our main channels right away, and you’ll be hearing more about our upcoming events very soon. This is in addition to general blockchain news, our educational materials and opinion pieces that we hope to get up and running in the very near future!

You can stay up-to-date with our work on any of these platforms:

  • Twitter — click here for general information and news:
  • Meet-up — click here for events, speakers and workshops:
  • Facebook — click here for events and group activities:
  • Telegram — click here for announcements:
  • LinkedIn — click here for our professional networking:
  • Medium — of course we will also be here, on Medium, where we will be regularly posting educational resources in our official publication here and via our official account here:

Thanks for reading our introduction — we look forward to seeing you engaging with our work and joining us for events in the future!

