Our FinTech Wales Membership

Why we decided to join the FinTech Wales ecosystem now

Bitcoin SV Wales
Bitcoin SV Wales
4 min readJul 1, 2020


There’s no denying that the last few months have been tough for us all, and the global response to a pandemic has had drastic effects on all our daily lives.

However, in the midst of global uncertainty and a set of unprecedented circumstances, we are witnessing near-universal vindication of an entire sector of burgeoning enterprises: FinTech. The overnight demand for new models of commerce, a cashless society, frictionless value transfer and cost-effective remote work has proven what many in the sector have been saying for a while already — the world of financial technology needs to change.

It is for this reason, that the BSV Wales team is extremely proud to announce its membership of FinTech Wales, the remarkable voice and community-driver of the FinTech industry in Wales.

We’ve observed firsthand the incredible work that FinTech Wales has been doing over its first year in operation. and we decided that it was high time for BSV Wales to contribute to these efforts.

We believe that Wales has a significant part to play in leading the tech-driven changes the World is going to undergo in coming decades. As proponents of global electronic cash, and of blockchain technology as a facilitator for rapid societal improvements, we want to further the case for Wales as a centre of excellence in blockchain.

A Supporting Service in Blockchain

The first 10 months of BSV Wales (we can’t believe it’s been nearly a year!) have been fantastic, and we’ve certainly learned a lot.

One of our key findings, having run 9 events and met hundreds of incredible people in the process, is that Wales has huge potential in blockchain. It may not be obvious at first glance, but once you begin to scratch beneath the surface, you’ll find a wealth of companies, academics, and individuals who are working in blockchain and fast becoming world-experts in the field.

We couldn’t be more proud of the community we’ve built so far, particularly as we have seen such a wide spectrum of industries represented and in fervent conversation at our events.

From legal professionals quizzing our speakers on the tax implications of blockchain payments, to C-level executives coming up with new ideas for projects during seminars, we feel like we’ve seen a bit of everything. But we know this is just the beginning of something much, much bigger and more profound for Wales.

At BSV Wales, we’re making it our mission to help bring together great people in Wales who are exploring the potential of blockchain, and to provide any help and education we can that might aid the wider industry. Ultimately, this is why we decided we needed to join forces with FinTech Wales.

We have decided to join FinTech Wales under the membership category of supporting services, which is explained in more detail here. The rationale for this decision is two-fold:

  1. Professionalise our work; and
  2. Engage with the FinTech community in Wales.

Firstly, we recognised the need to further professionalise our efforts in terms of both quality and scale of output. We have been testing the waters in Wales over the past year, and the overwhelmingly positive response we received has spurred us on in our mission, which will require us to cater for many more businesses, academics and curious individuals, and to an even higher standard of service.

We have also been delighted to discover the vibrancy of the FinTech sector in Wales. With blockchain being a technology that touches virtually all aspects of society, we always had FinTech on our radar as a key area for engagement in Wales. But the sheer volume and ambition of Welsh FinTech companies has truly staggered us. After just a few community events, in became obvious to us that we should be directing resources towards blockchain education in FinTech in particular, and that’s exactly what we’re hoping to do with the membership we’re announcing today.

‘Open For Business’

To cut a long story short, we would like to use this announcement to formally communicate to all Welsh FinTech companies that we — BSV Wales — are officially here to support you with anything related to blockchain.

We are not a ‘for-profit’ organisation, and so we are not ‘open for business’ in the traditional sense. But we are very much open for your business.

In other words, if you are a FinTech company with operations in Wales, we are delighted to say that we are at your service and we will aim to provide any assistance we can as it relates to blockchain technology. Whether you’re looking for formal educational materials, advice on the industry, a technical (dare we say ‘geeky’?) deep-dive conversation or just a friendly chat about dipping your toes into blockchain, we are here to help you in any way we can.

As part of our forward strategy, we will be announcing a number of resources and avenues to access our organisation for your business. For the time being, if you have any questions (or suggestions!) for us, or would simply like to get in touch about how we can help you, then feel free to get in touch at:


We can’t wait to get started — watch this space!

