BTCV Roadmap: Security improvements: no such thing as “too safe”

Bitcoin Vault BTCV
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2021

Safety & security of users assets is the priority for Bitcoin Vault. That is why we introduced reversible transactions to the blockchain that are possible through unique management of 3 private keys — we call it 3Key Security Solution.

With successful implementation of the solution to the mainnet we reached our first milestone. Now we are working on further developments. Our internal team of blockchain security experts is already working to enhance BTCV’s protective measures and accomplish this next goal.

One of our highest priorities for 2021 is to strengthen the Bitcoin Vault code. We will perform an in-depth inspection and supervision of the “heart” of BTCV to identify any potential bugs and loopholes. Our internal blockchain security experts will join forces with external partners to revise every small detail of the code.

Penetration tests

Part of the improvement strategy will benefit from a series of penetration tests. This procedure consists of a controlled simulation of cyberattacks to navigate and explore potential vulnerabilities in the system. The idea is to detect and eliminate any issues while evaluating the security level of the entire system.

We have finished internal pen tests for Bitcoin Vault in Q1 2021. This way we are prepared for external pentests to be scheduled for Q2 2021 that will be done by an external partner experienced in the cybersecurity field. This double-sided approach is expected to eliminate any potential threats in the code.

Security controls

Besides internal checks and pen tests, BTCV will be the subject to rigorous protocols such as the 20 Critical Security Controls (CSC). The Center for Internet Security (CIS) established this procedure through a set of best practices to increase corporate security aspects, enhance data safety, and prevent potential cyberattacks.

Another security control on the radar is Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), developed by Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). CCM is a control framework of the most critical points in managing the cybersecurity of cloud technology.

Bounty programs

When all the previous phases are completed, in Q1 2022 (or earlier potentially) we will open an official bounty program addressed to the whitehat community. We want to reward those who on a daily basis are supporting security and safety of the blockchain and would also like to participate in improving our project.

Stay tuned for more!

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Bitcoin Vault BTCV

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