Bitcoin — — Up & Down.

Geoffrey Gardiner
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2019

#Information for new Crypto users and traders.

When should I buy? When should I sell?

From 3,600 USD in February 2019 to 12,000USD in July 2019. Bitcoin has once again begun to climb and increase in value.

BTC rise February to May movement Coin Gecko

In 90 days, from Feburary to May, bitcoin has had a massive price increase drawing in new buyers, new hope and more talk of a bitcoin value rising back to all time heights of 20,000 USD in 2017.

Since then, we have went up, and back down, currently back to 12,000USD, but it has been holding over 10,000USD.

Initial rise surging towards 9,000USD

After some sideways movement, another rise

Did I miss the bottom?

The big question!

A question that will be asked multiple times and by anyone interested in buying.

Bitcoin trading View

Let’s start with daily movement in Bitcoin pricing. In 24 hours, the market price has risen and fallen 100’s of dollars. This is not special. In fact, it’s normal. Many people who trade bitcoin, buy and sell regularly setting buy targets and sell targets.

Traders set targets based on their trading information and know exactly when they are happy to sell or buy. Understanding your own targets is a great way to minimize risk, as you will have set targets that help you profit or minimize loss.

Bitcoin has hourly highs and lows, multiple times to enter into a trade and exit with a profit or loss.

It is always advised to never invest more than you can afford to lose.

“If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re probably not making any money. Good investing is boring.”

-George Soros

Bitcoin’s all-time bottom after its rise to fame, was around 3,200 USD in 2018. Will we see that again, only time will tell. As you can see, Bitcoins market price can change drastically in 24 hours, waiting for an all-time low to buy, or all time high to sell, may not be the best trading method. Smartly setting targets, with vision on sell price, or buy price, may be the realistic method to grow your crypto assets.

180 day changes in price Coin Gecko

BTC market price changes

180 days in cryptocurrency is very revealing. Many experts considered lower lows, the death of the coin but now, we hear the market expecting higher highs and the revival of price spikes and the next digital gold fulfilling its potential.

Dating until May 27th

Compared to one year previous, the price has a long way to go if it is to recover to such values, but in the past month alone. The value has risen by 63.4%.

Will the value continue to increase? Many in the market believe it will.

Should we buy Bitcoin today?

Over the past few years, potential has been a very key word in crypto. What is the potential for Bitcoin?

Bitcoin could be used by everyone around the world. Bitcoin can change the world. If the technology improves further, the value will increase. If I buy early, my profits could be very high if it is mass adopted.

All of these ideals and ideas are potential future growth and use cases for Bitcoin. Based on potential and what the technology can possibly do, people can value the technology at very high amounts.

New technology needs time to be used, improved and studied. Think about computers. Initially we had to learn how to properly use the technology, grow what we use it for and improve it for day to day usage.

Bitcoin is still very young, with a lot to improve upon.

Its Current value

Bitcoin Value today.

Bitcoin has a growing base of users, buyers and holders. Every day there are updates on crypto, advertising, education and large companies adopting blockchain technology including banking and finance giants Citibank and Facebook. As reported across many news outlets.

With people already using Bitcoin, already gaining from the technology and improvements constantly being made on the framework, there is a steady demand for owning and investing in Bitcoin. There are users with long term investments and those who firmly believe in the technology today.

Market and demographic changes

People born between 1981 and 1996 are the fastest growing demographic whose spending will supersede all other generations in 2029. This new way of spending, living and world view on digital technology will mean that older traditional institutions such as banking, are subject to change. The older generation have set these market trends, but now getting older in life, will begin to retire and let the new generation take over.

Demographics are very powerful, as we tend to spend and live the same way. Spending habits are very similar as we grow and with the new generation being native digital users, their desire to push newer ways to live could be a key indicator in the future of Bitcoin and other blockchain tech.

Lifestyle trends can make a huge difference.


In investment and finance, if there was a sure day, time or method to profit, everyone would be doing it.

I believe you should research and understand your own reasons to enter into this space. Do you believe in future potential? Do you believe in the current market and investing? Can you afford to invest?

I think, it is never too late to start.

Many people believe in this technology, huge companies are reported to be using blockchain including major banks and social media giants.

It really could be the next internet, the next social media, the next new tech that changes the world of today.

One thing that is for sure, is that Bitcoin will continue to rise and fall.

Famous quotes and words from trading experts;

“The secret to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge.”

-Paul Tudor Jones

“Investing is a unique kind of casino — one where you cannot lose in the end, so long as you play only by the rules that put the odds squarely in your favor.”

Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor

” Prices are too high” is far from synonymous with “The next move will be downward.” Things can be overpriced and stay that way for a long time … or become far more so.”

Howard Marks, The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor

Technology is an amazing way to advance our lives and combining it with money to make the world a more accessible place will be a world changing moment. Will blockchain and Bitcoin be what opens up our world to even the poorest of people? We certainly hope so.

I look forward to hearing your opinions on buying and selling below.

  • This is not financial advice



Geoffrey Gardiner

Former CMO for Idle Msytic NFT Game and WingRiders DEX. Marketing Director for Yeeha games, and other crypto projects.