Bitcoin Hodler Public Beta Launch: Let the HODL journey begin!

We are beyond excited to announce that Bitcoin Hodler has reached official public beta release with Enjin integration, and is now available for free on Google Play and iOS TestFlight.

7 min readJan 21, 2020


Test Bitcoin Hodler on your Apple device

We’ve made it to public beta! 🎉

It’s been a while since our last update, so let’s dive right into some exciting developments and details on what the Bitcoin Hodler team has been working on, what to expect from this release, and where the game is headed in the near future.

Before that, though, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your support up to this point—thank you!

Enjin Integration

As soon as you download the game, you’ll be able to easily link your
Enjin Wallet and — in case you already own some Bitcoin Hodler assets — also directly use them in-game.

As the Enjin Wallet provides a smooth and perfectly user-friendly experience, we aimed at maintaining this overall feel by providing a similarly seamless login and wallet linking flow inside the game.

A great user experience is key to the longterm success of Bitcoin Hodler, as we strive to onboard casual mobile gamers who still are not yet involved with Enjin or familiar with blockchain gaming and the experience around true item ownership.

Here’s how it works: On the first start (or upon tapping the account symbol in the main menu), you will be guided through the signup, login, and linking process. After successfully linking your wallet, any Bitcoin Hodler items from your wallet will appear in the asset and Hodler menu, ready to be used in-game. Check out currently implemented assets on the official Website.

Track in-game drops live

In case you don’t own any Bitcoin Hodler items yet, don’t worry! You won’t need to wait very long. To reward our hodlers and hodlerettes, we will be launching in-game drops very soon.

For drops, we aim to keep you updated and be transparent regarding the numbers. For this reason, we’ve been building an in-game drop tracking mechanism that will always be live and show the current items that can be found.

Besides Bitcoin Hodler assets, you will also be able to find and claim third-party items that will be announced and dropped in the near future. This functionality is already implemented and ready to be activated with the next update!

Besides a smooth onboarding experience, one of our main goals is the ability to provide a secure, efficient item distribution to make sure claimed items get to the correct players in an acceptable timeframe.

In order to scale and provide thousands of players the same great experience, we will need to minimize transaction cost and delivery time. Enjin’s Efinity network will solve this perfectly, but until its release, we will temporarily proceed with a batching logic to keep fees to a minimum and ensure your items are delivered within 24 hours.


Although in its current state, Bitcoin Hodler is designed to be a casual endless runner, we strive to add some progress to it.

First off, it’s all about hodling — which is a matter of patience, focus and emotional control.

With that in mind, we modified the highscore structure to highlight one of the most significant resources a true hodler possesses: time.

The ultimate goal of the game is to push your hodling time and number of cycles to the limit while the game gradually increases in speed and difficulty, making it harder to react and hold your position.

But we couldn’t just leave it at that.

So, we decided to add even more monkey challenges, each of which contains a special task that needs to be accomplished in order to unlock the monkey trophy.

By unlocking and collecting trophies, you can enable and upgrade your skills which, in turn, enhance your chances of survival. That way, besides blockchain items, there is always a way to access all functions of the game through pure skill. (But, of course, blockchain items are strongly recommended if you desire to look awesome while holding)

Another layer of progress will be added in future updates, where you will be able to travel to other planets in order to transform the endless loop into a real space odyssey. This will involve a set of new items, enabling your space vehicles to extend their range. You will also face different control mechanics on each planet including different physics and kinematics.

New Hodlers & Items

The team has been working on new Hodler designs and animations.

Thanks to helpful feedback from the Enjin community, we’ve been able to improve shapes and kinematics to make sure your hodling success depends on your skills and ability to focus, rather than pure luck.

We’ve also developed a number of new items that can be equipped to Hodlers in order to enable and enhance their individual skill sets.

Check out the Hodlers, Items, and Vehicles on our website to learn more about the functions and abilities they unleash:

These items will be gradually released and partially dropped inside the game to be claimed. More on the sale and distribution mechanics will follow in our next blog post!

For the Early Hodlers

If you have been part of the community from the beginning of our journey, you might have already been involved in testing the early offchain release.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to detect a vast number of bugs and imbalances and also learn from your individual experience to constantly adapt and improve the game.

There are two very important aspects we want to address for early players as we move into public beta:

  1. Transitioning your current stats into the new version
  2. Rewarding your great support

In order to find and reward the right person, we will need to match your current stats with your new player account.

As soon as you update the app, please make sure to sign up and link your Enjin Wallet in order to transfer your stats and link them with your account. This will allow you to keep your unlocked monkeys, skills, and discovered coins

If you’ve hodled in the closed beta test for more than 15 minutes in total, you will start with an initial balance of 25,000 Bits.

If you hodled in the closed beta test for more than 3 hours, then it’s time to celebrate your support by popping a fresh bottle of MAGIC YOHO!

In order to receive this item, be sure to install and start the public beta by January 31st.

Highscore Challenge: New Year’s Resolution “I will HODL every day!”

To celebrate the release of Bitcoin Hodler, we’re launching a New Year’s Resolution “I will HODL every day!” Highscore Challenge.

To join the challenge, simply download the app, sign up, and start playing!

In this challenge, you will compete with the rest of the community for the best HODL time in a Round.

The challenge will run for two weeks, ending on February 6th around 12:00 pm UTC, at which time the leader board will be frozen and the best hodlers determined.

The best 100 hodlers are going to be rewarded with Enj-backed Hodlers, Items as well as MFTs and Hunter’s Badges. Check out the list below and visit the official website to learn more about items and skills in Bitcoin Hodler.

All winners will be announced on our social media channels.

New Year’s Resolution “I will HODL every day!”-Highscore Challange, Prizes from 1–100

Learn more about Bitcoin Hodler Assets and Skills.

The Drop Hunt

Soon after the highscore challenge, we will launch in-game drops where you can track and find ENJ-backed game assets.

If you are a proud owner of a Hunter’s Badge, you will be able to participate in the Early Access phase of the Drop Hunt!

You can obtain a Hunter’s Badge by competing in the New Year’s Resolution “I will HODL every day!” — Highscore Challenge—but this is not the only way.

If you are still hodling your Bitcoin Hodler Multiverse Founder’s Token (MFT), a Hunter’s Badge will be automatically dropped into your Enjin Wallet!

Details about the Drop Hunt will be released soon after the challenge is completed.

We will also share any news and updates on our social media channels, so stay tuned and hodl tight!




2D Arcade-Adventure. Tap to HODL! Join us on Telegram #blockchain #gaming #Enjin