Top Public Figures Who Support Bitcoin

Ruzaan du Plooy
Bitcoin Well
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2020

Bitcoin is one of those topics that bring out great emotion and often start debates. Is it really a surprise, that even the rich and famous are supporting and even buying Bitcoin? Would you agree with these public figures and their opinions?

Let’s take a look at the top public figures who support Bitcoin. You might be surprised.

Steve Wozniak

Have you read the headlines lately? Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple went on record yesterday saying that he is a huge fan of Bitcoin. He publicly states that he hopes that Bitcoin becomes a global currency. Not the first time Steve has spoken out about Bitcoin making it known that he thinks that blockchain and cryptocurrency are better than gold and the US Dollar. Those are pretty big statements coming from the co-founder of Apple.

Quoting Steve,

“Only Bitcoin is pure digital gold… and I totally buy into that. All the others tend to give up some of the aspects of Bitcoin. For example, being totally decentralized and having no central control. That’s the first one they have to give up to try to have a business model.”

Richard Branson

Richard Branson, founder of The Virgin Group and investor in all things money making which includes…yep, bitcoin. Seeking out investment opportunities for a living, this man promotes the basis and promise of Bitcoin. He has personally invested over 30 million USD in various cryptocurrency endeavours.

Quoting Richard,

“The potential for a global transformation in payments powered by Bitcoin is very exciting. Consumers are being offered much greater control and freedom with their money and more of them have chosen Blockchain’s safe and easy-to-use wallet to hold their Bitcoins than any other.”

Dr. Eric Schmidt

Dr. Eric Schmidt was the CEO of Google for over 16 years (moved to Executive Chairman in 2017). According to Forbes Dr Eric Schmidt is the 138th-richest person in the world. He’s been a bitcoin advocate since the early ages and continues to support the movement. Believing in the value that could come from creating an honest and un-duplicatable ledger is what most of his support entails.

Quoting Dr. Schmidt,

“Technical answer in bitcoin is that bitcoin is a remarkable cryptography achievements.” “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value”

Janet Yellen

If you don’t know who this woman is you haven’t been paying attention. Janet Yellen held the Chair at the Fed Reserve (until February this year) and has a long history of successful positions such as Chair at the White House of Economic Advisors. Janet made waves about 2 years ago when Bitcoin hit the Federal radar and stated that Blockchain and Bitcoin would be a disruption within the financial atmosphere.

Quoting Janet,

“Bitcoin is a payment innovation that’s taking place outside the banking industry. To the best of my knowledge there’s no intersection at all, in any way, between Bitcoin and banks that the Federal Reserve has the ability to supervise and regulate.”

