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Apple spoke. We ignored them.

The messages hidden in plain sight.

Sam Hutchings
bitcolumns @ Medium
3 min readAug 30, 2013


The internet is alive with anticipation and speculation about what is happening at Apple. People are worried that Apple have lose their cool, and that it’s been too long between innovations. I’m not so certain, and I’m sure Apple have already told us everything is ok.

Carefully Considered and Choreographed

Every word of every statement to come out of Apple is carefully considered. The meaning has to be spot on, and it’s all about giving just enough to get the point across. This is especially true when it comes to recorded statements, and this is what I’m referencing today.

One sunny June day…

June 10th 2013, to be precise. Apple hosts its annual WWDC keynote and streams it to the whole world. We see videos. A lot of videos. ‘Intention’, ‘Our Signature’, Mac Pro and iOS 7 videos all take the screen. Two of these: ‘Intention’ and iOS 7, contain the messages that clicked with me.

‘it takes time.’

Oooh dots!

It takes time…’. Apple tells us outright that crafting the kinds of products they are known for takes time. You can’t just mash bits together, launch 100 designs, and hope one of them sticks. (Well, Apple can’t. Some can).

Those expecting Apple to rewrite the rulebook every year, you’re in for continual disappointment. To expect it even every 3 years is a push, and an anomaly.

‘in many ways, a beginning’

Does anyone pull off the grey v-neck better than Jonny?

Ive, known for only appearing in videos, says it himself. He states that iOS 7 is an important new direction ‘and in many ways, a beginning’. To expect a product as refined as iOS 6 at this stage, is just absurd. To think that Apple aren’t aware of issues, is bat-shit insane. To think this is the end, is just ignorance.

Stats show that consumers prefer iOS 7 to iOS 6. I’ve been using the software for over 2 months, and I agree.

Take a deep breath

I know my thoughts will be greeted with mixed opinions. I’m aware that many of you will see this as the inane ramblings of ‘yet another Apple fanboy, too hyped up on the kool-aid to see the impending iApocalypse’. And you might be right. But, I’m willing to sit it out and see. To take a deep breath and enjoy the amazing things that Apple have made. Things that allow me to make a living.

And you know what, very few companies have earned that.


If you have read my previous post, you know that until very recently I worked for Apple Europe. Whilst working there, I was not privy to any information that has influenced this post. I was not in the position to know about any future products, and this is all speculation on my part.



Sam Hutchings
bitcolumns @ Medium

Currently writing about design. Previously written about technology and customer support. Find me @Smutchings or at