An Experiment in Content Funding

Sam Hutchings
bitcolumns @ Medium


I love writing and bringing new content to you, but it’s not always possible to do so in the timely way that I would like to. I have to put my paid freelance work first and save up to buy new devices as they become available.

Starting today, I’d like to try something different. I would like to get you involved with the content I produce, see if people are willing to pay to receive the content and insights I put out, and get support for covering a whole new product category from a company many of us love.

Starting today, you can back my Indiegogo campaign for a new series of articles and content (maybe even a podcast) called “On Apple Watch”. Your contributions and support go towards acquiring the device in a timely manner, devote time to testing and writing about the device, and being able to bring these thoughts in the weeks after launch, instead of months as would normally be the case.

Backer Levels and Perks

You can back at whatever level you like, but there are some perks available for those who back at specific levels. These are:

Thank You!

Anyone who backs the campaign will get a mention on the “Thank You!” page within the “On Apple Watch” collection. You made it happen and you deserve a thank you.

Thank You! (with link)

Those who back at this tier will be able to link their name on the “Thank You!” page to a social handle or website of their choice.

Personalised Thank You!

Back at this level and you’ll get a personalised thank you message from me on the “Thank You!” page. You’ll be able to link your name back to whichever social handle or website you like, as well. There are 20 of these available.

Article Sponsor

You, your company or product will be the sponsor of one of the articles written for the “On Apple Watch” collection. You’ll get a mention at the beginning and the end of the article, and we’ll link back to wherever you want us to link to (within reason!). If you’re making an Apple Watch related product or app, the article can be about that. There are 5 of these available.

“On Apple Watch” Sponsor

You’re the man/woman! If you sponsor at this level, you’ll be a sponsor for the whole “On Apple Watch” collection. You’ll get a price of place mention in the “Thank You!” page and all articles. Any other content produced in the “On Apple Watch” collection will also mention you and have a link back to whatever you want us to link to (again, within reason!). If you’re making an Apple Watch related product or app, the article can be about that. There is just 1 of these available.

The Articles

The plan is to create at least the following articles/pieces of content:

  • Setting Up Apple Watch
  • A Weekend With Apple Watch
  • My First Week With Apple Watch
  • A Month with Apple Watch
  • Apple Watch Tips and Tricks

But, I’m sure that more article ideas will come to mind as I start using this revolutionary new product. Plus, if you back at a sponsor level and you’re creating an app or accessory for Apple Watch, your sponsored article can be a review or walkthrough of your application or accessory (I ask that you provide a code for the App or a review item of the accessory).

How do I back?

To back this collection, just head over to and back. If you can’t back for whatever reason, but you love this idea, why not use the sharing options on the Indiegogo page to share this campaign with your friends or someone who might be interested.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to follow bitcolumns @ Medium!




Sam Hutchings
bitcolumns @ Medium

Currently writing about design. Previously written about technology and customer support. Find me @Smutchings or at