BitDAO x MISO Completed

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2021

MISO Summary

200M BIT tokens were successfully MISOed 🍣 with 11,449 unique participants and over 112,666 ETH and 2,511,100 SUSHI raised.

Claim your BIT from the BIT-ETH auction here.

Claim your BIT from the BIT-SUSHI auction here.

There is no time limit for the claim.

In case you missed it

The BIT-ETH MISO was finalized, claimable, and liquid ahead of the original schedule. A description of the events and reasons can be found here:

Thanks to Samczsun, the Paradigm team, and the SushiSwap team! No funds were lost.

The BIT-SUSHI MISO auction was completed on the 13th day, and finalized after the 14th day according to schedule.

Bonus airdrops

  • 20M BIT was combined with ~12,767 ETH to create ~505,306 BIT-ETH SLP Tx1, Tx2.
  • Note that 20M / 180M * 112,666 = 12,518 ETH should have been the quantity used but an exact rate could not be established due the tokens already being liquid. The end result is MISO participants will receive a slightly higher airdrop than was originally designed.
  • These SLP will be airdropped to auction participants on Nov. 28 at 1300 UTC (together with double farming rewards earned in the interim).
  • Both BIT-ETH and BIT-SUSHI MISO participants will be eligible to receive the airdrop, with 90% of the SLPs allocated to BIT-ETH MISO participants and 10% of the SLPs allocated to BIT-SUSHI MISO participants.
  • A tracker tool will be created shortly for participants to check how much will be airdropped to their address.

Edit Nov. 28

Update regarding Miso Bonus Airdrop. As the SLP has been farming Onsen rewards, the numbers for the airdrop amount are currently being finalized. Based on engineering feedback and security concerns the airdrop method will be a claim of BIT and ETH tokens. It will take a few days to review the claim contract and website.

An account of the assets


  • 99,899 ETH ♦️ (112,666 proceeds minus 12,767 airdrop) has been transferred to the BitDAO Treasury.
  • 2,511,113 SUSHI 🍣 has been converted to xSUSHI — a continuously compounding token that accrues a percentage of fees from the SushiSwap exchange. More details about xSUSHI here. The xSUSHI has been transferred to the BitDAO Treasury.

BIT Tokens (started with 260M tokens)

  • 180M to ETH MISO participants
  • 20M to SUSHI MISO participants
  • 20M combined with ETH for bonus airdrop SLP
  • The remaining 40M BIT tokens will be allocated to other rewards starting with Onsen 2x Reward Farms 🍣 ⛲️. More details here.

