The journey is just beginning

Here's to the crazy ones…

Pedro Marques
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2017


Iterate & innovate, fast.

Our mission is quite simple and straightforward: “create products that would be missed if ceased to exist”, which can be translated to an even simpler statement that is “to make products people love”.

It’s better to build something that a small number of users love, than a large number of users like. — Sam Altman, Y Combinator

We’re in this business not only for the obvious reason (to make money), but also to positively impact the world, be it with our own products or a client’s. To accomplish that, here at Bitdreams we are forbidden from focusing solely on the solution. We take time to understand the problem and, most importantly, the “why”; why we are considering solving that particular problem this way and not in another way.

A problem well defined is a problem half solved. — John Dewey, American philosopher

However, the ultimate goal shouldn’t be restricted to solving a problem. A truly great product has a clear purpose, a reason to exist, a meaning. The purpose is the golden road to excellency. It’s what drives our team on every project we work on. It’s also what keeps us on the right track, allowing us to focus on the right feature. Having a clear purpose, and a main focus, helps us to identify the product’s target users and, therefore, makes it easier to communicate its value.

To create products that would be missed if ceased to exist means, above all, building an emotional connection with your users and customers. Emotions shape the attitudes that drive decisions and behavior. To that end, when an emotional connection is established, the customer keeps coming back with little or no conscious thought.

In simple terms, it’s all about forming habits and changing people’s routines in a very strong and positive way. The impact of such outcome is so big that users would be frustrated, sometimes even angry, if they were told they couldn’t use your product anymore. A good example of this was when Dropbox announced a couple years ago that Mailbox was shutting down. Millions of users were suddenly orphans. Medium posts were written. Twitter gone crazy. A “Mailbox replacements” collection was created on Product Hunt. People were just sad and frustrated because their beloved product would no longer be there. The same would happen if products such as Instagram and Snapchat were to shutdown.

The bottom line is that creating an amazing product, one that would be missed, takes a lot of effort, planning, strategy and flawless execution. If you need a team of experts to help you with that, Bitdreams is more than happy to be your partner in the journey. Let’s talk.

