How we work

Raphael Cruzeiro
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2017


At Bitdreams we believe that software development lies on the intersection of engineering and craftsmanship. We strive to always improve our craft and deliver top quality products to our clients.


Communication is essential for the success of any project. Being tasked with developing software is not just simply putting together a design and programming. We always make sure to understand the business goals of the project, so that we can work with the client to design a product that will achieve those goals while also being feasible and within budget.

We prefer to work with small deliverables, so that we can get constant feedback from our clients, thus making sure that the project meets the client’s expectations and the client is at ease knowing exactly at what stage the project currently is.


Whenever we write code, we make sure that not only the finished product looks good and works well but the code is also clear, concise and maintainable. To achieve this, we like to practice BDD. Using the BDD approach for our projects not only ensures the correctness of our code and avoids side-effects introduced by new changes, but also helps us avoid being blocked whenever we need to wait for another party to deliver their part of the project.


Here at Bitdreams, we like to keep things lean. This means that instead of being like your average software “factory”, we like to keep thing to a minimum and bring people onboard according to the need of our projects. This is only possible because we have accumulated a vast network of trusted people whom we have worked with in the past.

We don’t do “one rate fits all”

There are several types of projects. From small projects with a clearly defined goal and an beginning and an end to long term projects with requirements that change as the business matures. After understanding what out clients are looking for we can suggest what kind of service they should hire. We sometimes charge a fixed price for the whole project or fixed price for milestone, and sometimes we will sell a monthly pack of project hours when the project is a long term one.

We don’t sell “black boxes”

We believe that part of our work is to help our clients understand what they bought. We don’t hold source code hostage and we always include a high level documentation of the project. Since we know that often, our clients will grow to the point where they’ll have their own technical team, we are always willing to help them during the transition process (we sometimes even help clients hire their first developers and designers).



Raphael Cruzeiro

I’m a software engineer who also happens to play the guitar, enjoy photography and travel a bit.