Bitdroplet’s first Success Story: Vaibhav Arya

Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2020

I am Vaibhav Arya, a.k.a serial rekter since the 2018 bull run. I started investing around 2014 but soon after the bull run, I got overestimated the opportunity and lost nearly 98% of my portfolio in a year. After Zebpay’s shut its shop, I logged in to my old Bitbns account and started trading there.

Fast forward, when Bitdroplet was launched, I was a bit skeptical about it but I was curious how it works so I started investing a small amount with it. But as you can see in the screenshot initially I suffered minor losses on Bitdroplet, but this time I was too cautious so I read a little about how Bitdroplet, and I found that it works on DCA. I then read about DCA and came to know how Bitdroplet eventually churns out gains by purchasing small amounts of bitcoin during downtrends. That’s when I decided to be patient with it and go for long-term investment.

Shortly, it became clear that it is actually reducing losses with each automatic purchase. You must be wondering how the purchases happened automatically. Well yes, it is automatic and purchases bitcoin on fixed time intervals irrespective of the price, so that it reduces loss percentage with each purchase and adds huge profits with the slightest pump in price.

I think investing in Bitdroplet has been the best decision of my life. Call me lucky or whatever, my portfolio is already positive, thanks to the recent pump in price. Also, I do not have to worry about investing huge amounts in crypto, so I have already stopped wasting money and investing $1 everyday with Bitdroplet instead.

See the thing everyone needs to understand about bitcoin is that it is very volatile, but if Bitdroplet is investing your money periodically, you don’t have to worry about its volatility. And the longer you invest, the lesser you worry. Loved this product. It has seriously changed the way I have been investing in bitcoin. Hope it will soon let me invest in other assets too.




With Droplet, invest a fixed amount of money in Bitcoin in automated, regular intervals through Systematic Purchase Plan (SPP)