Mistakes make a man perfect unless he keeps trying!

Fay Antoine Barretto
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2021


Today’s tale is about a passionate learner or rather a passionate trader who began as an amateur but became a master with his efforts to learn and grow better. Mr Bisht expresses his gratitude to have come across Bitbns and Bitdroplet. Let’s see what he says further…

Hi all, My Name is Kunal Bisht. I am a Sr. Software Engineer in a Leading Tech Company in Bangalore. Today, I am documenting my journey into the world of cryptocurrency. Follow me as I tell you what I do, how I do…and why I do it. I think I have learnt quite good about how to invest in cryptocurrency and to draw profits.

I came to know about cryptocurrency for the first time in 2015. It was my Senior who introduced me to it. Initially, I was with koinex for trading and was not aware and neither did I pay too much attention to how the price action works and bear losses. Fortunately, XRP recovered all my losses during the 2017 Bull Run and it still is my most favourite. It was in 2016 that I joined Bitbns/Bitdroplet. I’m still surprised with the simplicity they attended me with. And their trading view charts put on the Bitbns/Bitdroplet website which evoked curiosity to learn more. I started learning from YouTube, started updating myself on what is going around in the crypto world.

Let me tell you, I am a passionate learner when it comes to learning something different and interesting, I don’t care what it would take! Initially, it was not an easy journey for me to handle my office work, learning and trading. I had countless sleepless nights, just to keep looking at the charts and thinking of what to do next. The craziness around crypto still Drives me Crazy. Now I can do 9 out of 10 trades with profit, there is still a lot of room to learn. But I am happy that Finally, I did it!

What I Regret Most?

I missed some initial golden Years in the Crypto world when things were really cheap. But as someone once said,

“It is never too late to be what you might have been”

Till Date, I Invest a Small portion of my earnings in cryptocurrency, for a better future.

Why Small?

The rest goes in Bills, EMI and Rent? 😊

Two Advice I would like to Give to everyone.

Market never moves in one direction, Make an exit strategy for yourself. Decide what is just right for you.

Fear when Others are in Greed.

Greed when others are in Fear.

Bitbns & Bitdroplet has played a vital role in my journey. This is the only cryptocurrency exchange I trust, with so many amazing features. You can say Bitbns & Bitdroplet is a “million little things as one”.

Feels equally gratifying to learn about such beautiful journeys of our users who have made it large with our alliance and services.

Thank you for writing,

Team Bitbns/Bitdroplet

