No More Packaged Foods

More tips for living from the wisdom of Ayurveda

Emily Jennings
Bite-Sized Ayurveda
2 min readMar 2, 2021


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Modern humans love processed and packaged foods. There are almost no authoritative voices in our mainstream culture telling us to stop eating these toxic things. They are produced in factories, the nutrients stripped from them, and laden with preservatives so they can last on the shelf for months and even years. But nobody ever says “hey you probably shouldn’t eat this.” When you’re shopping at Costco, strolling down the isles packed with chips, frozen foods, and pre-made meals, no one ever seems to stop and think this isn’t right. The corporations get away with it. That’s because you can eat this stuff for years before the toxins build up and the disorders begin to manifest.

You deserve nourishment

Ayurveda tells us that the longer food sits on a shelf, the less nutrition it offers us. If it isn’t direct from its source of harvest, food begins to lose its life force or prana. So, why eat a bunch of food that is actually doing nothing for you? Yes, it is possible to be malnourished while also eating a lot of food. And non-nourishing food can also turn into toxins.

Eat fresh food. Period. Go to a farmer’s market and buy it from the source. Grow a vegetable garden. Buy more from the fresh foods section of the supermarket than the rest of the entire store. Yes, more than half of stores in modern life are packed with packaged foods.

Be good to yourself. You deserve nourishment.



Emily Jennings
Bite-Sized Ayurveda

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