Picture credit: author.

You Have 2 Options as a Writer on Medium

And you’re not going to like either one…

Pete Williams
Bite sized thoughts
5 min readApr 16, 2023


I’ve been here for a long time. Long enough, in fact, that I can only think of a handful of names I see on a regular basis who have been here longer.

I’ve seen cohorts of writers come and go in that time. Some just cut their losses and walk away with no one even realising, others go with a “fuck Medium, I’m leaving this place” kind of vibe.

I’m going to sit somewhere between the two, but rather than make this a long, whiny diatribe of why I’m not giving the platform anymore of my time, I thought I’d tal about something really important, especially for the newer writers who are here trying to make a new source of income.

The two options I mentioned in the title are…

Write here for the love of it, and NOTHING more

If all you want to do is write and be part of a community, then Medium is a great platform. You’ll likely make some friends along the way, you don’t have to set anything up in terms of web hosting or any of that junk and you can just hop on at anytime and bare your soul to the world.

There’s just one catch…

If you want to write only what you want to write, you have to be happy that maybe it’s…

