Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

Your Life Isn’t a Sliding Doors Moment

One decision doesn’t make or break the future

Pete Williams
4 min readApr 2, 2023


By the time we reach middle age or even just our thirties, many of us will have had a moment or two that we look back on with regret. Not regret in the sense of “I shouldn’t have done that” but regret in the sense of what might have been.

  • I wish I’d asked that person out
  • I wish I hadn’t screwed up that interview for my dream job
  • I wish I’d studied harder at school
  • I wish I’d taken that trip overseas

When life isn’t working out the way we wish it was, we look back on those moments, filled with regret. We lament how much better life would be had they worked out, and we torment ourselves with visions of a grander life than what we’re experiencing right now.

But here’s the thing: it’s all a mirage.

It’s a mirage because, while you might not be satisfied with your life right now, if you’re healthy and have opportunities, then you have everything you need. You’ve got something concrete, something real. You are where you are.

The visions you’re having of your life had that one moment worked out are nothing more than projections of how you think they would’ve turned out, not how they actually would have…

