Day 22: Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)

Known for his critique of traditional moral values and his concept of the Übermensch.

Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche, born on October 15, 1844, in Röcken, Prussia (now Germany), is one of the most provocative and influential philosophers of the 19th century. Raised in a household steeped in religious tradition — his father and grandfathers were Lutheran ministers — Nietzsche initially pursued theological studies alongside classical philology. However, his academic path and personal beliefs rapidly diverged from Christian orthodoxy. By the age of 24, Nietzsche had become a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, but chronic health issues forced him to resign a decade later. This period of ill health marked the beginning of his most productive and intellectually vibrant years, during which he developed his critical philosophy. Nietzsche’s life was tragically overshadowed by mental illness in his final decade, leading to his death on August 25, 1900, in Weimar, Germany. Despite living much of his life in obscurity and suffering, Nietzsche’s posthumous influence on philosophy, literature, and the arts has been profound.

Major Ideas and Contributions

Nietzsche’s philosophy is a radical critique of Western morality, culture, and religion, characterized by its emphasis on the will to power, the critique of nihilism, and the concept of the Übermensch (Overman or Superman). He challenged the foundations of traditional moral values, famously declaring “God is dead” to signify the collapse of Christian metaphysical underpinnings in the face of modernity’s scientific rationalism.

Nietzsche’s concept of the will to power is central to his understanding of human behavior and society, proposing it as the fundamental driving force of life, ambition, and achievement. He criticized the passive nihilism resulting from the loss of religious faith and argued for the creation of new values to affirm life and existence.

The Übermensch, a figure who transcends conventional morality to create his own values, embodies Nietzsche’s vision of human potential and self-overcoming. This idea, along with his advocacy for eternal recurrence — a thought experiment in which one must desire to live one’s life over in exactly the same way infinitely — challenges individuals to live authentically and with purpose.

Major Works

  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A philosophical novel that explores Nietzsche’s ideas on the Übermensch, the death of God, and the creation of new values.
  • Beyond Good and Evil: A critique of traditional morality and an exploration of the complexities of human psychology and society.
  • The Genealogy of Morals: An examination of the origins and values of Western morality, critiquing its ‘slave morality’ and advocating for a ‘master morality’.
  • Ecce Homo: Nietzsche’s autobiographical work in which he reflects on his life and philosophy with the characteristic phrase, “Become who you are.”

Influence and Legacy

Nietzsche’s radical questioning of the foundations of morality, truth, and the meaning of existence has had a lasting impact on existentialism, postmodernism, and psychoanalytic theory, influencing thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida. His critiques of reason, morality, and culture continue to challenge and inspire debates in philosophy, the arts, and political theory.

Fun Facts

  1. Musical Talent: Nietzsche was a talented pianist and composer, expressing his philosophical themes through music as well as writing.
  2. Lone Thinker: Despite his profound impact on philosophy, Nietzsche had few followers or disciples during his lifetime and preferred to work in isolation.
  3. Misappropriation of His Work: Nietzsche’s philosophy was controversially appropriated by the Nazis, a misrepresentation that his sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, facilitated after his death. Nietzsche himself opposed anti-Semitism and German nationalism.


Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy challenges us to confront our deepest assumptions about morality, purpose, and the nature of existence. His call for the revaluation of values and the affirmation of life remains a powerful and unsettling force in contemporary thought.



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