Day 25: Martin Heidegger (1889–1976)

Ali Khan
30 Philosophers in 30 Days
3 min readMar 8, 2024


Known for his work on existentialism and phenomenology.

Biography of Martin Heidegger

Martin Heidegger, born on September 26, 1889, in Meßkirch, Germany, is one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the 20th century. His upbringing in a Catholic family and his early education in Catholic seminary played a significant role in shaping his philosophical inquiries. Heidegger’s academic career began at the University of Freiburg, where he initially studied theology before shifting his focus to philosophy under the mentorship of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology. Heidegger’s work, primarily his magnum opus “Being and Time” (1927), marked a significant departure from traditional philosophical inquiries into ontology — the study of being. His later thought explored the relationship between technology, art, and language, further solidifying his status as a seminal figure in contemporary thought. Despite his groundbreaking contributions to philosophy, Heidegger’s affiliation with the Nazi Party during the early 1930s has cast a shadow over his legacy. He died on May 26, 1976, in Freiburg, Germany.

Major Ideas and Contributions

Heidegger’s philosophy is characterized by its deep exploration of the question of being. In “Being and Time,” he introduces the concept of Dasein (literally, “being-there”), which refers to human existence in its most fundamental sense. Heidegger argues that traditional metaphysics has neglected the question of being by focusing on beings (entities) rather than on being itself. He emphasizes the importance of temporality, finitude, and authenticity in understanding Dasein’s existence.

One of Heidegger’s central ideas is the notion of “thrownness” (Geworfenheit), suggesting that individuals find themselves in a world not of their own making, bound by conditions beyond their control. He also explores the concept of “Being-towards-death,” arguing that an authentic relationship with one’s own finitude is crucial for living a meaningful life.

In his later work, Heidegger shifts his focus to the history of being, examining how different epochs have understood and articulated being. He critically assesses the dominance of technological thinking, warning against its tendency to reduce the world to a mere resource for exploitation. Heidegger’s reflections on art, poetry, and language offer avenues for transcending the limitations of technological rationality and rediscovering a more original relationship with being.

Major Works

  • Being and Time: A foundational text in existential and phenomenological philosophy, addressing the question of being and the nature of human existence.
  • Introduction to Metaphysics: Explores the history and essence of metaphysics, including a profound inquiry into the meaning of being.
  • The Question Concerning Technology: A critical examination of the essence of technology and its impact on human existence and the understanding of being.
  • Poetry, Language, Thought: A collection of essays reflecting on the relationship between language, art, and being.

Influence and Legacy

Heidegger’s work has had a profound impact on a wide range of philosophical movements, including existentialism, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and postmodernism. His questioning of the nature of being, his critique of technology, and his explorations of language and art continue to inspire and challenge philosophers, writers, and artists. Despite the controversy surrounding his political affiliations, Heidegger remains a pivotal figure in 20th-century philosophy, whose work has reshaped contemporary understandings of existence, knowledge, and the world.

Fun Facts

  1. Black Forest Cabin: Heidegger frequently retreated to a small cabin in the Black Forest, believing that close contact with nature was essential for philosophical thought.
  2. Influence on Environmental Thought: Although not an environmentalist in the contemporary sense, Heidegger’s critique of technology and modernity has influenced ecological thinking and the deep ecology movement.
  3. Philosophical Dialogues: Heidegger engaged in notable dialogues with other leading intellectuals of his time, including Jean-Paul Sartre and the Japanese philosopher Kuki Shūzō, reflecting his impact on global philosophical discourse.


Martin Heidegger’s exploration of being, his critique of modernity, and his reflections on technology, art, and language have left an indelible mark on philosophical inquiry, offering profound insights into the human condition and our relationship with the world.



Ali Khan
30 Philosophers in 30 Days

Techie. Infovore. Forever Curious. Building Things. Here to share a few of my deliberate perspectives.