Bitfinex Reporting Tools — Version 2.5

Improved reporting features for optimized trading.

Ezequiel Wernicke
4 min readApr 8, 2019


Through our constant pursuit of innovation, an array of new features have been added to our collection of reporting tools.

If you have additional feedback for how we can continue to improve our reporting tools, please reach out to or send a Pull request on our GitHub repository below.

Active Positions

In the most recent update, we’ve added a section to highlight ‘Active Positions’.

This new section allows users to comprehensively evaluate their active positions, including the status, amount, positive/negative values, funding types and amounts used for each position. On top of this, users also receive information pertaining to profit & loss percentages, liquidation price, leverage and more.

Moreover, as part of future upgrades, users will be able to audit their active positions as its actually done with positions history.

Overview of active positions

Public Funding

At Bitfinex we consider public data a fundamental component of an effective trading strategy.

In line with this, we are pleased to now display Public Funding Trades as to let our users evaluate the funding amounts, rates and periods of different currencies across selected time-frame.

Public funding information

Data Copying

Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice or equivalents all represent essential tools for professional traders in the digital asset space.

In line with this, we are pleased to be able to present a fast and seamless way to export small amounts of data.

With this new feature, users simply mark the fields they want to copy and paste them directly into their desired program, as visualized below.

Copying trading data across multiple cells

Funding Earnings

The ‘Funding Earnings’ section provides users with a clear overview of all earnings, allowing for improved control of all funding activities.

This section can only be used when sync mode is on.

Refactored Back End

At Bitfinex we strongly support the open-source community and the pursuit of innovation through enhanced transparency and collaboration.

To assist with this, we have refactored our backend code to make it simpler for traders in the space users to process. We strongly encourage all our users to send a Pull request to our GitHub repository or create issues if you come across something not working fine.

General Improvements

In addition to the updates above, our team has also deployed the following fixes.

  • Fixed missing pages on deposits & withdrawals.
  • Fixed missing pages when filtering for more than one token.
  • Improved filtering of date/time.
  • Fixed symbol formats.
  • Improved ticker selection.
  • Updated email templates.

Future Plans

Below are a number of the plans for the reporting tool in 2019:

  • An enhanced framework for advanced reporting (coming soon).
  • New subsite for the improved downloading of public data.
  • Improved sorting and filtering across tables.
  • Optimized framework for sharing data between users.
  • Mobile app integration.

Whilst we have many plans for our reporting tools moving forward, what matters most to us is developing a framework which fits the needs of our users.

To assist us with this, please continue to reach out to for feedback.

Stay up to date with Bitfinex announcements on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn and Youtube.

We’ve recently open-sourced a number of the development libraries most essential to us. If you are interested in learning more about these, please visit our Github.

Join us on our mission to create the most innovative & industry-leading cryptocurrency exchange.

