Why Bitfinex Token Sales chose K.im?

Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2019

K.im is the first offering available on Bitfinex Token Sales, a comprehensive digital asset launch solution for high-quality crypto projects run by Bitfinex Token Sales Inc. When K.im was unveiled, it marked the dawn of a new era in token sales, promoting sustainable projects over the long term. This blog post outlines the reasons why Bitfinex Token Sales selected K.im to be its first project.

Why Bitfinex Token Sales chose K.im?

Bitfinex Token Sales

Bitfinex Token Sales was launched to be a catalyst for the most exciting new projects in crypto. For us, an exciting crypto project is one that has the best chance of gaining mass adoption and demonstrating utility. We think the components needed for mass adoption can be broadly broken down into two areas:

  1. A reason to switch — superior solution: If a product can provide a solution that is significantly better than those of the incumbents, users have a compelling reason to switch. Performance, price or key features are all important metrics to consider.
  2. An ability to switch — user experience: The best solution in the world will struggle to obtain mass adoption if it is inaccessible or difficult to use.

K.im as a superior solution

The existing digital content business models are severely flawed for all parties. For consumers, the current solutions include:

● Subscription services. Inefficient as users pay for content that isn’t consumed

● Ad-driven access. Ineffective as users deploy ad blockers to avoid unwanted advertisements

● Paid access. Expensive as it is in the interest of intermediaries to increase prices

Each of these models creates inefficiencies and destroys value for content creation and content consumption. This makes it impossible for content creators to be fairly rewarded for their work.

K.im creates a secure, peer-to-peer, marketplace for digital content, enabling users to only pay for what they consume while creators are paid every time their content is purchased. This is how digital content businesses should work and K.im has made this possible.

K.im’s seamless user experience

The key people behind K.im were also members of the team who created Mega.nz, a cloud storage service that currently has 180 million active users, placing it in the top 200 websites in the world by website traffic. The team have a proven track record of building products that obtain mass adoption and it plans to do that same with K.im.

The team recently released a demo that provides a good insight into the idea of the frictionless user experience. The blog that introduces the demo is linked here and the demo is linked here.

A perfect combination

There is a significantly better solution, a great way for users to access that solution and a team with a track record of delivering huge successes. The combination of these factors makes the K.im token sale a compelling opportunity.

Remember that all users who chose to contribute must verify before the sale opens at 12pm UTC on the 6th November.

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